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Rocco Newbie!

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:48 pm
by Y111_PJL
Alright guys,

So I've recently went from a 360bhp TFSI Audi S3 to the 184bhp TDI Rocco R Line.
As you can see, I like the murdered out look. I had coilovers on the Audi, purely because I liked to give it a good thrashing on the country rounds around Northunberland and Scotland. So with the Rocco, as it's not really a performance car... Do I go for bags? Or stick with the more reliable coilovers again.

Any feedback will be appreciated! :D

Re: Rocco Newbie!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:32 am
by Boydie
Nice buddy, I too came from a 360-70bhp S3 but mine was a 2007 pre facelift, loved that car!

I had 25mm H&R springs in mine, ARB's and WALK - handling was incredible!

Personally I don't get the air thing unless you are wanting to show you car throughout the year. I put coilovers into my Porsche Cayman S after the S3 which in a way I regret but it looked awesome. Springs went into my S4 Avant and I have springs in my Sicrocco R now.

With the scirocco, I think it needs to be low to perfect the look so coilovers may be the way forward or 30+ mm springs

Re: Rocco Newbie!

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:26 pm
by Y111_PJL
Cheers man!

Yeah, loved my S3 and very understated when against faster cars! Shame I had to get rid really.

I'm swaying towards coilovers, just on the fact that there is less to go wrong. Bags are ideal for parking up low. And with springs, I've had a couple of sets on older cars, but never really sat the car as low as I wanted to go.