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RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:39 am
by ian lancs
Have had my Scirocco for 3yrs now and love it most of the time :nod: . Until the other night when the RNS510 started up, then almost immediately shut down and repeated this for my journey - can't even turn it off with the power button.

It was in the garage for something else, so they ran a diagnostic - all they will tell me is the RNS is not working properly, and that it's well outside it's warranty period.

I checked the details when I got it, but never got round to upgrading firmware etc as I was a bit wary of gateway issues (and it worked so didn't really need it upgrading to be honest).
Part number - 1T0035680B
HW Version - H03
SW Version - 0900
SV SW Version - C_EU_7.112_1994
HW Vehicle - 0xC201

If I understand correctly, this is old gateway, so buying a unit from ebay would probably end up with me suffering battery drain etc?

So does anyone have any advice/options what I could do next - def. not spending the £1800 :eyepop: VW want for a new unit!


Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:11 am
by Viking
With an old B revision unit I'd say it's past repair. The old LCD units are pretty flaky, and this problem is not unusual really. The dealers won't know what's wrong with it as the don't repair them, just replace under warranty or sell new ones. If your car is past 2009 (and I presume it must be) then you'll have no issues with battery drain with any unit you buy (unless it's a fault on the car which is already there, or the unit is faulty, both very unlikely) so I wouldn't worry about that side of things.

I've a good unit up in the sales section here.

Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:14 am
by ian lancs
Hi Viking

It's a 59 plate car.
I'll have a look at the sales page :)
Well I would do, but apparently I need more posts

Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:20 am
by Viking
58 plate is no problem with battery drain. The issue was that earlier cars (up to sort of 2008) had a CAN gateway which didn't shut down to RNS510 correctly when it went to sleep, and left a slow battery drain. The earlier RNS510 versions were designed to cope with this, but the later ones need a new can gateway. Yours has the new gateway, so no battery drain with any unit at all.

You'll need a few more posts to see the sales section though.

Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:49 am
by ian lancs
Interesting - I thought it was newer cars that had different CAN gate, and hence mine would need something done to it to accept a new unit. That makes life lot easier (I think!)

Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:13 pm
by Viking
Older cars up to 2008 can use early RNS units like yours (up to B revision) without any issues. Fit a newer unit to an older car and it gives battery drain. Newer cars can take any RNS510 unit without fear.

Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:54 pm
by ian lancs
Can't reply to PMs (guessing that's post count limited as well).

If you're about next Sunday (and haven't sold it) I'll come collect it - pm me?


Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:28 pm
by Goughy
When I worked at VW there was a list of TPI's for the radio units, replaced many of them. Check to see if theres a 12V feed to the radio unit. If so the units probably died :( To be 100% sure remove your radio unit and plug another random radio in to confirm the fault.

Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:21 pm
by greenmamba
Mine was doing the same thing. I went to these guys who fixed it for about £90." onclick=";return false;

Re: RNS510 not starting up

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 4:39 pm
by Viking
I have 3 in the workshop with start up / shut down issues, which can't be repaired. Sometimes on the LED screen versions it's possible with a factory firmware reload )often necessary when someone has been throwing firmware updates at it), but the old LCD versions have mainboard issues which kills them when they get to this stage. It's not worth spending money on the older ones in my experience.