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Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:20 pm
by dimexi
Afternoon forumers,
The time has come! I have decided to cave in and get my car remapped! My choice has always been bluefin, but I ditched the idea back in the day because I felt I didnt really need the extra power; that has changed.

I have questions which I hope you can help with. During my time on the forum, I notice that guys/girls who have remaps tend to burn out their coilpacks! Is this the case? Can anyone verify? Would I benefit from getting them replaced with Audi R8 coilpacks? if so, does anyone know where I can source them + part numbers.
Also, are coil packs easy to fit?! If not, my neighbour is a mechanic and I can easily tell him to help me fit them in when I source the parts.

Let me know your thoughts guys: I have a 2010 2.0TSi, and I want to go with the stage 1 remap

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:19 pm
by therealtimmsy
Hi mate, ive been running a remap on mine for a while now with no issues. its revo though. I changed my spark plugs the other day and getting the coil packs out is a little tricky, you can get a proper tool off ebay for doing it. so as far as removing them, its not too difficult :)

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:15 am
by dimexi
Brilliant! Thanks for your reply. I should have probably posted in the mods forum really... Maybe I should get get the coilpacks and keep them in the boot, just in case I have an issue. Are spark plugs changed out at major services? I cant quite remember.

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:49 am
by danfalcon
i changed my coilpacks when i got my car which i think was previously mapped, took me less than 10 minuted and the tips were quite corroded, dont know if it was down to the map though as the car has 80k on the clock, removing them is easy and i didnt use any special tools, and cant see how they would help tbh. once your coilpacks are out its another 5 minutes to change your spark plugs, no reason why you cant do them yourself if you think they need it! PM me if you need a hand and i can explain it to you better and take some photos

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 3:23 pm
by dimexi
you're a top man!!! thanks for the reply :)

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:02 pm
by Grayzee
Let me know what you think of the remap. I'm thinking of getting a stage 1 once my VW warranty has run out but there are so many posts on here and differing opinions it's hard to get my head around it all.

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:41 pm
by dimexi
I know what you mean!! I had looked into the superchips before, and I can see it's very vw friendly; so that's gonna be my choice. I'll keep you updated!
I called bluefin and they say I don't need a clutch upgrade at all (mind you, my clutch is only 4000 miles old) and they also said I shouldn't change my coil packs if I don't have to.

I'm looking to get it in the next month or so. First, need to change my car battery!

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:44 am
by Grayzee
That's good news about the coils. My last car was an RX8, so I'm sick of changing the damn things

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:40 pm
by ndogg88
i read on here somewhere that the audi r8 coil packs are no different to the ones on rocs as standard? apart from being red... ????

Re: Bluefin Superchips and Coil-packs

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:02 am
by dimexi
ndogg88 wrote:i read on here somewhere that the audi r8 coil packs are no different to the ones on rocs as standard? apart from being red... ????
I wouldn't be surprised.... I've heard they have a higher resistance, and hence provide a better spark.... That obv is unproven and it might be bullsh!t