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Car seat

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:17 pm
by jimothy86
Hi All,

Just a quick question.....

I recently become the proud owner of a new Scirocco GT and am chuffed to bits with it. We are expecting a new arrival in a couple of months, I had this in mind when getting the Scirocco, checking that it was Isofix compatible. However I stumbled upon a couple of posts etc earlier than seem to imply the shape of the rear seats is not compatible with the Isofix bases that are on the market and in particular the one we have purchased -Maxi cosi.

Does anyone have any experience with this problem?


Re: Car seat

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:30 pm
by neelom

It's not an ideal car with babies, but it's not awful- our maxi cosi base fits in fine (not the isofix one, mind you, but identical in shape I believe so shouldn't cause any problems) for our baby, and a britax isofix seat fits very nicely in the other seat for our toddler.
However, I wouldn't routinely carry both children in the 'Rocco- it's our second car. The main problem is that they are so close to each other that our toddler reaches over to paw her baby brother's face!
The boot also takes a buggy, including a rather massive Bugaboo, though you have to haul it over the high sill.

Re: Car seat

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:54 am
by jimothy86
Thanks for your reply that's just what I wanted to hear. My wife has a more practical 5 door car which will be the main car used for getting the little one around, just wanted to check that on the odd occasion it was do able.