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Engine warning light

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:16 am
by Spannerdave

A few weeks ago I did an oil service on my scirocco changing the sump oil, air filter, and oil filter. The idea being to delay my next VW service a few months..The " service due " comes on at start up since as expected but now the yellow engine warning light has appeared.. Is this expected or would you think a diagnositic check up is needed... ?

Many thanks


Re: Engine warning light

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:31 pm
by salsajoe
Any warning light needs to be diagnosed asap. If you have access to VCDS then get it checked. Could just be that the service reminder needs resetting because it has been left too long (not sure if that happens as mine gets reset after 10k miles) but that may not be the problem.