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RNS510 Excluded Roads?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 11:28 am
by GeoffT
I've googled all over the place and haven't found an answer to this so far. What does excluded roads under route options actually mean? Are they set by the user? Narrow roads set by the map data? I'm hoping I can use it to stop the thing sending me down ridiculously narrow roads in Devon where my mirrors touch the hedge both sides!

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Re: RNS510 Excluded Roads?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:14 pm
by skippy
Not sure, but I have found my RNS has taken me off a nice fast flowing road, onto a single track lane in the past. It gets me to the destination ok, but I do question it's ability at times to select the optimum route.

Re: RNS510 Excluded Roads?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 4:47 pm
by GeoffT
Yes mine did that to me last week. Main road into Woolacombe and it took us off onto little more than a dirt track for a mile and a half then back onto the main road! WTF! In what world is that a good route?! I have updated the firmware and maps over the last few days (hence my question about excluded roads) so I'm hoping that sort of bug has been ironed out.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk

Re: RNS510 Excluded Roads?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:15 am
by GeoffT
Still can't find anything about the use of excluded roads and the latest maps/firmware still has a fetish for dirt tracks rather than proper roads! How hard can it be to write decent satnav software?! The roads I want to avoid are shown on the map as being narrower than A & B roads, so the mapping data isn't at fault. Surely it can't be that hard to give an option to avoid them completely wherever possible? Its stupid, dangerous and inconvenient to locals that live on those roads for a major manufacturers satnav to sent vehicles down them unnecessarily.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk

Re: RNS510 Excluded Roads?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:00 pm
by skippy
Yes - it has a bit iof a strange 'algorithm' in calculating some routes, another strange one that gets me, if I want to go north from here in Bournemouth to somewhere like Birmingham, it wants to take me all the way up to the M25 and then onto the M40.

I obviously ignore that and go up the A34 from Winchester before joining the M40 at Oxford. Admittedly I am running old firmware but with later version maps.

Re: RNS510 Excluded Roads?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:18 pm
by wensleydale
GeoffT wrote:I've googled all over the place and haven't found an answer to this so far. What does excluded roads under route options actually mean? Are they set by the user? Narrow roads set by the map data? I'm hoping I can use it to stop the thing sending me down ridiculously narrow roads in Devon where my mirrors touch the hedge both sides!

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk
Yes you can set them yourself, as far as i can tell you can only exclude a road if you have an active route that is trying to use it, but once it has been excluded it shows up shaded red on the map and the nav does everything it can to avoid sending you that way (if it is genuinely the only way to reach your destination it will route you down there). I can't remember the exact steps you need to take to set them up, but if you need me to i'll go and have a prod about and do a little how-to.

Re: RNS510 Excluded Roads?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:52 am
by GeoffT
Ah that explains it. I found the menu for excluded roads but they were all greyed out. I guess if you have a route planned the roads on the route come up as a list. I'll try it later but it isn't going to help in my quest to force the RNS to avoid the ridiculously narrow roads it seems to love. I've been testing CoPilot navigation software on my Android tablet and it makes you realise how "last century" the VW navigation really is! You can change the speed and priority given to all different types of roads for route calculation, drag the route on screen if it isn't the exact one you want, customise speed camera & speeding alerts etc etc. It seems to do everything you would want so I'm going to get a Chinese Android headunit and give it a try properly in the car.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Tapatalk

Re: RNS510 Excluded Roads?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:39 am
by wensleydale
if you do set it up, just another quirk to watch out for.

When you're setting the excluded area, set it a little way back from the junctions otherwise the nav will think the entire junction is excluded and send you miles out of your way