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Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:34 am
by roninonetwo
Desperately need a bit of insight here guys!
Had the 'roc for 9 months with no issues, bought second hand (59 plate) and its out of warranty as far as i'm aware.

Lost power on the motorway, engine note got a lot deeper and generally didn't sound right, also got an immediate EPC light and an engine workshop warning. Pulled in and tried to restart but the car wouldn't turn over!

Recovered back to Glasgow and got it straight into the dealers. 2 days later and i'm still having a LOT of trouble getting a straight answer from them, called 3 times yesterday and was promised a call back all three times, still waiting on that!

The last thing I was told was that it may have been an injector over-fueling, with possible engine damage, but they're not sure. This is obviously very worrying! Can anyone shed some light on what the issue may be and how much i'm looking at shelling out! :cry:


Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:45 am
by roninonetwo
PS, I've read of injector issues leading to loss of power (mostly 1.4's though) But none that seem to match mine, with the car failing to start. The dealers are really dragging their heels on this now. The only cost i've agreed on in the diagnostic (which doesnt seem to be going well!) I'll keep you posted, hoping for a call back today, wish me luck!


Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:00 pm
by roninonetwo
Just back from the dealers as i got impatient. Short story is £548 to replace the one faulty injector.

They wanted £1200 to replace all four, but thats out of my price range just now. Also wanted £300-ish to move the injectors round to confirm that actually is the problem, and seeing as I'd still need to have the injector replaced, my bill would move closer to a grand, which again, I cant really afford just now! Really hope this fixes the problem! As i'm not the most engine savvy, any insight would be much appreciated, cheers in advance.