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Gertrude died...
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 8:04 am
by stono
Failed injector, damaged cylindar #4, new fuel regulator #1, new catalytic convertor and some damage to the exhaust system.... and some other stuff I've forgotten about... resulted in a £2,400 repair bill.
Therefore gertrude has been traded in for an nice shiny new r line
I name this one betty.

Re: Gertrude died...
Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:15 pm
by bitmadmax
Oh no

Any idea what caused the failed injector?
New roc looks lovely mate, rline kit makes such a difference to the look of the car. What engine does it have?
Re: Gertrude died...
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 7:36 am
by stono
No idea mate didn't keep it long enough to find out!
it's the 177tdi this time, moved away from the TSI. Gonna miss that power (and sound) but it'll half my fuel costs!
Re: Gertrude died...
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 4:12 pm
by Mark V
But you will love the torque!!
How old is Betty? - she looks lovely :-)
Re: Gertrude died...
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:29 pm
by skippy
stono wrote:No idea mate didn't keep it long enough to find out!
it's the 177tdi this time, moved away from the TSI. Gonna miss that power (and sound) but it'll half my fuel costs!
Stono - what mileage did you have on the TSI? Pretty concerned to hear of all those faults. Enjoy the R-Line!
Re: Gertrude died...
Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 7:59 pm
by Ryy
Yeah, what mileage did you do? I am thinking of getting an A5 2.0 Quattro TSI. I'd go Diesel, but it'd have to be 3.0L and I don't wanna go over 2.0L for costs and also just won't do enough miles for the Diesel to pay me back.
Re: Gertrude died...
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:14 am
by stono
Hey guys,
I had 55,000 on the 2.0 TSI, it was remapped from 45,000 if anyone wants to draw any conclusions
Loving the Rline, and even more the DSG, easy mode driving!
Superchips have just finished a map for the 177TDI as well they sent me the rolling road yesterday (attached), check out that torqe figure, 420nm, ha