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First "proper" drive and a "good" tyre buying experience.

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:19 pm
by roninonetwo
Went out and about on this lovely night to hit some of the nicer back roads/range roads in N.Yorks. Three(ish) months in and this is the first time I've really REALLY driven the Roc. Very impressed with the grip (quite a bit of punt too!)

Special mention for the downshifts, Fantastic sounding! I have driven a DSG and we all know its merits and could go on all day about how impressive it is, but I can't help but be glad I went manual, if for nothing more than those downshifts. Impressive car. Now if i can just get rid of that niggly dashboard rattle, I'll never need to turn on the stereo.

On an unrelated note, I went into my local tyre-shite-hole the other day feeling very glum due to the looming certainty that I was about to drop in the region of £200 on a new tyre, due to the 12mm sheared bolt that somehow tore into my rear offside P-Zero Rosso and stayed there, causing your classic slow puncture / "exploding tyre ticking time bomb" scenario.

Upon getting the wheel off, it was pretty clear that it couldn't be patched to any meaningful standard and the young lad's face told me as much within 4-5 fractions of a heartbeat. Resigned to my fate I stood about for a while with the lad while he set about it, talking about wheel balancing and potholes (standard tyre-shite-hole banter, I would have thought.) New tyre in place, I moved to settle up and was informed "Donwury abootit pal."
Don't. Worry. About. It. Pal.
Apparently there was a shit ton of P-Zero's out back and "The Boss" wasn't in.
Free brand spankers new tyre.
Assuming its not wired to explode on me, and no, I'm not an idiot -In the obvious absence of a receipt I did check it thoroughly - I'd say that went well.

Re: First "proper" drive and a "good" tyre buying experience

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:58 pm
by john250666
result mate<< send me their address !!!

Re: First "proper" drive and a "good" tyre buying experience

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:43 pm
by SuperstarDriver
lucky bugger - my last set set me back 600 notes.