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Tyre Weld and removing spare

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:10 pm
by jc74
I haven't got the car yet, but am considering removing the space saver spare wheel, and putting a can of tyre weld instead. I could then fill the remaining space with other stuff like emergency blankets etc.
My previous car didn't have a spare but had runflats, so I had put this stuff in the space where a wheel would have been.

However my question is, how effective is this tyre weld stuff? I've never used it before, though have a can of it. My concern is that it may not fully inflate a flat tyre. Also what happens if the puncture is caused by something a bit bigger than a small screw or nail??

Any ideas, or should I just stick with the spare?


Re: Tyre Weld and removing spare

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:25 am
by Le_savage
not sure about tyre weld but the wifes touran does not have any spare as standard but comes with a 12v inflator and a can of tyre sealer, both these are VW parts so should be available from a parts dealer.

Re: Tyre Weld and removing spare

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:41 pm
by R6BTT
I'd be happier with a spare wheel, even a space saver. I hit a pothole on a single track lane recently, only doing about 15 - 20mph and the tyre was split, so the Tyreweld / Compressor supplied with my TT wasn't much use.

Re: Tyre Weld and removing spare

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:02 pm
by Le_savage
R6BTT ยป Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:41 pm

I'd be happier with a spare wheel, even a space saver. I hit a pothole on a single track lane recently, only doing about 15 - 20mph and the tyre was split, so the Tyreweld / Compressor supplied with my TT wasn't much use.
You make a good point, but the can and inflator will get you home in all but the worst situations, personally If I was looking to ditch the space saver I would keep a spare interlagos at home and carry a can and inflator along with a break down card.