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Frozen stuck locks!!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:00 am
by The Axeman
Just went out to the car - minus 1 outside. Opened car, locks opened and windows went down BUT

The door handles really didnt want to pull out and made a slight icy crunching sound. When i tried locking the car again the door closes but the locks dont engage the strikers....

In summary, I can 'lock' the car and the little red light flashes but the doors themselves can be opened as if the car wasnt locked.... what the hell is going on with this car? Its SO unreliable even at 0 degrees...

Anyone know what to do as technically my car is still open...

Re: Frozen stuck locks!!

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:58 pm
by RW1
Can't be perfect on this as it need a quick look on the spot.

Suggest you pour some fairly hot water onto the door lock mechanism in the middle of the rear door frame to remove any ice blockage that is present. Also after the hot water treatment place a screwdriver's shaft part in the door lock latch mechanism in the photo and make if operate by gentle persuasion on the shaft of the screw drive using the door handle to open & close.

If it doesn't operate, you may have pulled the operating cable of the handle to latch lock off. Try the inside door release pull and see if that makes it operate as its separtely connected.
I use VW Lock Lube in winter on the door lock latch mechanism, where the door handle on the rear end operated into the bodywork and key lock itself (But not anywhere else as it attacks re-cycled plastics like the boot hatch bump stops). In the photo its visible as a dirty white grease. Have no problems this year at -6'C or -18'C in winter of 2010.
