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RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:00 pm
by dstill
Been trying to work out which is the latest firmware and where to get it from. There's so much information on various forums I'm just plain confused. I've also heard you can kill the unit if you load the wrong firmware, is this likely? Can anyone help, it's really frustrating because my unit won't allow full postcodes to be entered hence why I want to get the correct firmware.

I don't have a cd for the maps, where could I get one for a reasonable price? :yes:

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:50 pm
by mordred1973
Hi dstill.

I can only tell you of my experience, I got hold of a more up to date firmware, but my unit died whilst I was trying to install it. whilst not a common problem, it is a known risk of trying to update firmware. Having spoken with a couple of non-VW suppliers of RNS510, they both told me they would never try it themselves because of the risk involved. Weigh up the risk, I'd not try it again though, but many people on ehre have done it successfully.

As for Maps, there's lots about for sale, often with speed camera locations as well as full postcode recognition. Interestingly the last 2 places I tried to go to using postcode, the unit couldn't find the postcode, so guess they're newer than the 2 year old map I have.

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:04 pm
by skippy
I recently contacted this company about a possible updated disk" onclick=";return false;

I did not actually buy anything from them, but they responded quickly to emails. I refuse to pay £160 which was quoted by my dealer for an updated disk. Like yourself, I only have first 5 characters of the postcode, but I am loathed to risk anything going wrong with a firmware update, so I am still on my original maps (v4) and default postcode search.

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:09 pm
by skippy
Forgot to say, I would be happy to buy a new map, say one revision behind the very latest at a reduced cost, wonder if dealer can do those. Don't see the point of paying top dollar for the very latest.

I am not sure if I want to trust disks bought on eBay.

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:13 pm
by mordred1973
there is little risk from the maps, I'll not say where mine came from but it's worth getting them from someone you know, so you know they work.

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:27 pm
by Starshaped
Do you happen to know which version of RNS510 you have? Version B requires firmware update then new map disc to get 7 digit postcodes,version C and above just requires new disc. If you decide to get from dealer wait as Version 9 disc comes out January time here,we are still on 8 although you can get a pirate off Ebay now.

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:37 pm
by Ryy
It's also difficult for some to find their version of RNS. I think mine is a C, but it can't be updated to go past the "2GB" limit apparently, so this is something I gave up on ages ago.

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:18 pm
by skippy
Ryy wrote:It's also difficult for some to find their version of RNS. I think mine is a C, but it can't be updated to go past the "2GB" limit apparently, so this is something I gave up on ages ago.
Yes - I don't think I will bother with the expense, I think mine is a model 'A', but even with V4 maps, I can't believe there are that many differences. Only once I was travelling down a new piece of road and the MFD reported 'off road' on the display. Post code issue is a pain I must admit.

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:48 pm
by Ryy
I have V5.1 maps, and I'm happy with them to be fair.

Re: RNS firmware and map cd

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:01 pm
by Starshaped
The official line from VW is that Version A cant be updated for 7 digits,Version B can be updated and they have a disc to go to a slightly newer firmware to do it,Version C onwards no update is required.

Unofficially however people use the very newest firmwares that they have downloaded off the net for say a Version H and put them on older models which have slower processors etc this is the type of thing which will cause problems if there is going to be any.

The maps can be updated no problem,you can get the newest maps on your version A or B but you just wont have the 7 digit input,V9 will be out here soon as it is on VW Germanys site and pirates are on Ebay.