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High Oil Temperature
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:46 pm
by Essenwood
I used my Rocco to travel to Mozambique last week. The trip there was a relaxed one and the car ran flawlessly. My return trip was at night and once South of the Swazi/SA border the freeway was clear of traffic, so I was able to set my own pace at between 4 500 & 5 000 rpm and a steady 190-200 km/h indicated. After about two hours I needed to stop for fuel. It was then,whilst I was checking the data on the MFD that I saw the oil temperature had risen from its usual 104 degrees C to 118. The external conditions were dry with an ambient temperature of 24 degrees C. There was no evidence of coolant loss(that temperature remained at the normal 90 C) and the oil level was normal.I watched the oil temperature for the remainder of the trip and it seldom got any cooler. Could this be as a result of traveling for longer than usual at and at a slightly higher speed. What is the maximum recommended oil temperature and have any other members of this forum had a similar situation?
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:52 am
by rocknob
I've had mine at 118deg after a very brisk run up Long Tom Pass..
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:52 pm
by Essenwood
This was the John Ross Highway that follows the Kwa-Zulu Natal North Coast.
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:00 pm
by RW1
I've always worked with 125'C where the engine needs to be eased off. The limiting factor will be how much the watercooled oil cooler can cope. Castrol Edge oil will stand the temperature upto 340'C. As long as the oil temperature drops quickly when power/load is reduced over 5 to 10 mins, the oil cooler is working.
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:41 pm
by skyblues11
would altitude have any influence?
from my limited knowledge of Sub. saharan africa, Moz is quite flat ( with lovely beaches!) but things get higher as you reach RSA?
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:48 pm
by Essenwood
Hello RW 1 and skyblues 11.
The oil temperature did ease off a bit when I exited the freeway and drove through the suburbs towards my home. The heat soak was considerable with the bonnet lid being warm to the touch. Opening it was not unlike standing in front of a baking oven. The exhaust emitted a fearsome crackling sound whilst other parts made loud "ticking" noises. I left the bonnet lid open, closed the garage door and went to sleep that night thinking that my Rocco had finally had enough of being the victim of an enthusiastic right foot. Fortunately this is not the case. However if as RW 1 states that 125 C is the limit, I am concerned that the 118 C that my engine reached is really close to that. Given that the ambient temperature at the time was 24 C (at about 02-00 AM) in a country where summertime day temperatures range from 30-40 C, I wonder if the safety margin is sufficient. It would be interesting to hear from other Rocco owners who live in similar climates. To answer skyblues 11, the majority of land in South Africa is situated on a plateau of between 1500-1750 meters. However I live on the coast at the same altitude as Maputo in Mozambique, so I don't think that effected this situation. You are correct about it being a pleasant destination with a vibrant culture and 2 500 kilometers of unspoilt beaches. The recent discovery of enormous natural gas fields has led to an influx of foreign investment and a boom in the local economy. Previously travel by road was for the brave and/or well equipped 4 x 4 brigade. Now road travel is simplicity itself. I travelled Northwards from
Maputo to Inhambane, a small harbour town that straddles the Tropic of Capricorn. Whilst there I was approached by the locals,all of whom wanted to know if my Rocco was the new Golf 7!
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:48 pm
by RW1
Wouldn't treat 125'C as an absolute limit, just a point where you ease off the right foot.
From what you have described, I'd consider it normal. Normal cos it backs off if you reduce the power/load on the engine. If the oil didn't reduce in temperature, then I would be asking questions.
Unfortunately I can't point you to an alternative thermostat in the coolant system. It seems to be the same 95'C - 105'C thermostat setting worldwide.
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:42 pm
by RW1 ... =25&t=4687" onclick=";return false; ... 35&t=11959" onclick=";return false;
Couple of useful comparison posts (not S.A. but Singapore/Hong Kong).
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:01 pm
by Essenwood
Thanks RW 1. I have spent some time reading your responses to many,many questions raised on this forum. All of your answers have been well researched,to the point and generally helpful. In one of the threads mention was made of your " insiders knowledge" of VW. I would not presume to ask you what you relationship is to VW as,in my opinion, that is a private matter. However, and notwithstanding the aforementioned ,could you give a calculated guess as to when the Scirocco 4 can be expected to be launched?
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:14 pm
by RW1
Thats a real handbrake turn on this topic
Re: High Oil Temperature
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:42 pm
by Essenwood
Hello RW1. It was not my intention to"throw you a curved ball". You had so comprehensively responded to my queries and provided such detailed analytical answers that my concern regarding high oil temperature no longer exists. In the link that you put up a date of 2014 is mentioned, which sounds realistic. Thank you once again for the information you have given me.