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DSG vs. manual gearbox

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:25 am
by zenekor
Currently I drive 2.0TSI Rocco with DSG and I was thinking lately about scenario that happened to me many times with manual gearbox. Your driving through tightening curve and You push too much on a throttle on 2 gear. Next thing You know Your car is driving backwards with 2 gear on. On a manual gearbox You'd just pressed clutch :D What will happen with DSG? Does it have any fail-safe option for such situation? :?

Re: DSG vs. manual gearbox

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:26 pm
by yanto
Surely if you accelerate too hard the traction control and stability control kick in? If they don't work all you will do is understeer off the road! Spinning will only happen in a FWD car if you hit the brakes, or if you have a rwd and hit the accelerator! Are you sure that happens???

If so the failsafe is you, don't be so aggresive with the accelerator. TBH you sound like a liabilty and maybe should get a small underpowered car before you kill somebody!

Re: DSG vs. manual gearbox

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:56 pm
by Kev
I'd be more worried that I was going backwards and out of control than whether the DSG was dipping the clutch.

All the anti skid electronics will start applying braking etc to try and keep you pointing the right way. You're more likely to just understeer off.

Re: DSG vs. manual gearbox

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:32 am
by zenekor
yanto wrote:Surely if you accelerate too hard the traction control and stability control kick in? If they don't work all you will do is understeer off the road! Spinning will only happen in a FWD car if you hit the brakes, or if you have a rwd and hit the accelerator! Are you sure that happens???

If so the failsafe is you, don't be so aggresive with the accelerator. TBH you sound like a liabilty and maybe should get a small underpowered car before you kill somebody!
That's rather theoretical question about construction of DSG gearbox rather than about playing Carmageddon in real life :rolleyes: I drive my car responsible as I take my life and others seriously. So stop the flame... But let's forget about the driver and focus on this question: is DSG protected from this scenario?

Re: DSG vs. manual gearbox

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:43 am
by RW1