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GT 170. MPG

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:12 pm
by yanto
I picked up my nearly new GT (800 miles registered july) on Monday, two commutes later i've clocked up 270 miles, i've averaged 62mpg (computer average, not checked by filling up) I thought that was pretty good for a DSG, any thoughts??

My commute consists of single track road, B roads, mainly A roads and 10 miles of dual carriageway/motorway (A42/M42).

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:24 pm
by Cuprabob
I've got a 60 mile commute on A roads and dual carriageways and my manual displays mid 60s which equates to real high 50s.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:57 pm
by Whinters
Heh, I can only get near those figures if I drive near enough below the speed limit :D

I generally average ~46mpg according to the MFD.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:50 am
by mat
43 for me.... But 50 on motorways if I'm gentle.....!

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:52 am
by goatboy
normal commute for me is somehwere in the 50's, have had over 60 but when driving very gently with no stopping and starting (which is rare on the M25)

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:13 am
by Whinters
I'd actually be interested to know what peoples average speed supposedly is (as stated by the MFD) when comparing MPG values. FYI, mine is currently stating 45mph.

However, my commute is 90% dual carriageways and Motorways. If I drive economically I can get high 50s, maybe even up to 60mpg - but it really isn't a very enjoyable way to drive for me, therefore I usually drive more exuberantly which returns mid 40s. If I drive economically I can get up to 600 miles from a full tank, but normal driving usually gets me ~500miles.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:37 am
by Fifer
Don't trust the MFD mpg readings. Mine are wildly inaccurate. I've done almost 3000 miles in my BMT and get low 50's from about every tank (although the MFD indiactes anything from mid-50s to mid-60s). I'd consider a (real) mpg of anything approaching 50mpg from a GT170 pretty astounding consumption, unless someone is driving everywhere at 50mph with an egg under the accelerator.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:50 am
by Cuprabob
I'm getting a real 55mpg average out of mine at the moment and i certainly don't drive everywhere at 50 mph. Most of the time I sit between 60 and 70.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:22 pm
by Fifer
That's better than my 140 BMT. Best I've had out of a tank so far is around 53mpg and I'm being fairly careful and sensible with my right foot.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:30 pm
by Cuprabob
My commute is 60 miles either way and I don't stuck in too much stop start driving. Quite a few timnes I've seen just over 70mpg on the MFD

It drops into the 40s if I'm driving about town.

I do have a very smooth driving sstyle though so that helps a lot. reinforced by the fact that I'm still on the original set of P Zeros on the front after 31k miles :-)

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:55 pm
by Fifer
Cuprabob wrote:My commute is 60 miles either way and I don't stuck in too much stop start driving.
Similar - mine's 55 each way, mainly on rural A roads or dual carriageway.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:08 pm
by Cuprabob
Fifer wrote:
Cuprabob wrote:My commute is 60 miles either way and I don't stuck in too much stop start driving.
Similar - mine's 55 each way, mainly on rural A roads or dual carriageway.
Mine is straight out of my house and 7 miles A road, 48 miles motorway and 5 miles rural and takes around 1hr 20 mins so an average speed of circa 45mph

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:30 pm
by yanto
My average speed is 42mph, i too believe i have a smooth driving style, but still use the performance when i think it's worth it, i.e. NOT to overtake and find myself at the traffic lights in front of the people i've just passed. slightly off topic but i think the sound of the engine and exhaust is very addictive (most un-diesel like) when accelerating hard and the gears are changing rapidly - makes me grin from ear to ear, maybe if i stopped doing that i could get more!!!

Another aspect that affects mpg greatly is terrain, my commute is constantly going up and down... Recent trips across northern France, Belgium and Holland have produced 50+mpg at 70-80mph in the wifes old Volvo XC70 D5 auto, whereas in the UK 42mpg is good, she only gets 33mpg!

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:06 pm
by Cuprabob
yanto wrote:My average speed is 42mph, i too believe i have a smooth driving style, but still use the performance when i think it's worth it, i.e. NOT to overtake and find myself at the traffic lights in front of the people i've just passed. slightly off topic but i think the sound of the engine and exhaust is very addictive (most un-diesel like) when accelerating hard and the gears are changing rapidly - makes me grin from ear to ear, maybe if i stopped doing that i could get more!!!
I hear what you are saying about the noise but when you've came from an R32 with a lovely V6 burble, it's hard to be impressed by the noise :-)

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:13 pm
by gibbsy
I once got 70.2 mpg indicated by the trip, but I was driving like a nun on an extremely quite M4. In the real world my fill ups regularly indicate 53-55 mpg whereas the trip shows 60+. Four up, all adults, I count myself as one, at a steady indicated 80 on the M5/M4 last week the trip indicated 53, so probably high 40s which I think was wonderful.

I do try to drive gently but then I think bollocks and put my foot down. :clap: Then the trip drops like a stone. :nod: There are some lovely roads across the Brecon Beacons. :D

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:09 pm
by mike-p
Just back from a motoring tour down to the south of France, about 2,000 miles, averaged just over 50 mpg, which included long stretches at 85 on the autoroutes.

Quite impressed.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:17 am
by Paralla
Mine replaced a BMW 330Ci that was lucky to break 30mpg so anything better than that is gravy. I cared about economy when I chose the car and the next time I think about it is when I replace the 170 with something else. In between I just enjoy driving it however I like.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:55 am
by goatboy
gibbsy wrote:I once got 70.2 mpg indicated by the trip, but I was driving like a nun on an extremely quite M4. In the real world my fill ups regularly indicate 53-55 mpg whereas the trip shows 60+. Four up, all adults, I count myself as one, at a steady indicated 80 on the M5/M4 last week the trip indicated 53, so probably high 40s which I think was wonderful.
This is quite interesting that yours read higher. Mine tends to match calculated to whats displayed (within 1or 2 mpg).

I had a steady run down the A1 last weekend well over 100 miles at a pretty constant 70-80 mph and the mdf said something like 47mpg which is similar to what you calculate.

What I do find though is the warmer it is the better the mpg. now its started getting cooler I can see the mpg starting to drop off. Over 60mpg is attainable in the summer, I struggle to get over low 50's in the winter.

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:07 pm
by alanr
hi looking at 42 mpg in this weather :grumpy:

Re: GT 170. MPG

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 5:52 pm
by Deagol
Yep, cold weather, longer warm-up and at least a 5 mpg reduction over an 11 mile commute (58-60mpg on the MFD in the summer, 50 - 54 this morning)

Ho hum !