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What colour stitching on a Scirocco steering wheel?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:35 pm
by luckys3
Hi Guys,

I was wondering whether you Scirocco experts could help me, I'm looking to purchase a Scirocco flat bottom steering wheel and have been offered one from an apparent 2011 model which has white stitching, the thing that baffles me is I thought the Mk6 wheels whether it be from a Golf or Scirocco only came with red or grey stitching :? .

Could some one explain whether it's a revision or an option on some models and if so what years did the white stitching appear as i'm dubious whether it's actually from a 2011 model.

Thanks for any input

Re: What colour stitching on a Scirocco steering wheel?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:44 am
by HitokiriZed
I'm unsure of the TSi's, I can tell you though that the R Steering wheel has white stitching.

Its strange, but other than stitching, the RS3, All Scirocco Models, Golf GTi, Polo GTi all have the same steering wheel.
At least here in South Africa that is.

Re: What colour stitching on a Scirocco steering wheel?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:02 am
by luckys3
Thanks for the reply. It's good to know white stitching does exist at least. I know the Mk6 Golf Gti and Rocco all share the same steering wheel, just baffled over the colour of the stitching at the moment, if it has come from a Scrocco R I would of though that is one of the first things the chap would mention, plus it would of had the R insert in the centre which it doesn't.

Re: What colour stitching on a Scirocco steering wheel?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:15 pm
by eire
i think all sciroccos have white stitching.only golf gtis have the red..

Re: What colour stitching on a Scirocco steering wheel?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:55 pm
by luckys3
Thanks, that would make sense if it's the case, hopefully someone else can chime in to confirm.