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Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 7:10 am
by Scientist84
Hi all,

This is my first post. I've been scanning the forum for the past few weeks (which is full of great information and topics) after ordering my Scirocco at the beginning of April.

I live and have ordered my car in Luxembourg and my dealer has told me that it's being built this week (BW 21) and depending on the transport method to Lux, I will receive it in two to four weeks.

My question is, does anybody know how the cars bound for Luxembourg are transported from the factory in Portugal? The dealer told me it's by road or by boat, but he doesn't have any other details. As Luxembourg is such a small country, they must come in through Germany, France or Belgium after having been transported there first with cars destined for those countries. :shrug:

Thanks for any input... :)


Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 9:07 am
by RW1
Luxembourg is the same as Belgium ..... ... ium#p74053" onclick=";return false;

There is no ship scheduled to pick up Germany bound build week 21 due to AFRICAN HIGHWAY making an unscheduled dry-docking in North West Spain. The ship has now left Ferrol at the weekend. ... ock#p99167" onclick=";return false;
The next ship will be the EMDEN sometime next week - 29th May :shrug:


Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:02 am
by Scientist84
Many thanks for the info RW1! So, looks like another 4-5 weeks of trying to be patient... ;)

Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:17 pm
by Scientist84
By complete coincidene, my dealer just called to say my Roc was built yesterday!! :clap:
He just told me that they're waiting for confirmation if it will be transported to Lux by boat via Belgium (so I guess that means on the Emden next week and then into Belgium) or by road (in which case it will be in Lux for delivery by the 4th of June). Would they really transport cars by road all the way from Portugal?! 2000 Km?! Not sure if the dealer know's what he's on about...


Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 10:56 pm
by RW1
RW1 wrote:The next ship will be the EMDEN sometime next week - 29th May :shrug:

:shake: There are no ships scheduled for the next ten days. EMDEN is calling 29th May but is going to Ferrol, North West Spain to dry-dock.


Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:00 am
by Scientist84
Thanks for the update RW1. Much appreciated! :)

Quick question though, are you aware of output from the factory in Palmela being transported to Germany via rail and road? My dealer seems to think this happens sometimes...


Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:19 am
by RW1
The trains with engines and gearboxes have to return east, cost of economics of transport. Empty :shake:


Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:36 pm
by RW1
The OTELLO is calling at Setúbal on 3rd June @ 11:00 and will be departing 4th June @ 23:00 for Zeebrugge, arriving 7th June @ 01:00.

Hope the captain has learned how to reverse by now :D ... llo#p49881" onclick=";return false;

C .

Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:30 pm
by RW1
Scrub the OTELLO, picking up trucks.

NEPTUNE ACE calling at Setúbal on 1st June @ 13:00 and will be departing 2nd June @ 19:00 for Port of Ghent, arriving 5th June @ 12:00.
On her way from Barcelona, passing south of Malaga today @ 18:00.


Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 12:12 pm
by Scientist84
Hi RW1,

Thanks for all your posts. Sorry, didn't reply as have been on holiday with no internet...

Anyway, the car arrived in Luxembourg today. The dealer gets it on Friday and I will collect from the dealer on Monday. Finally!! :D :clap: :yes:


Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:44 am
by theBuggane
I ordered mine at the tail end of February (Losch in Junglinster) and it was in a state 'transport' last week. I hope it was on the same boat as yours!

Looks like you ordered the same options as me, but I preferred the manual. Mine's blue with silver 19" wheels.

Fingers crossed for next week for me then too...

Re: Scirocco transport to Luxembourg

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:02 am
by Scientist84
What was your build week? If it was week 21 or 22 I would guess it made the same boat as yours...

I ordered mine from Hormans & Rosatti in Bech-Kleinmacher who inturn receive the car from Autosdiffusion Losch who are the official importer of VW for Lux as far as I know. Losch received my car on Wednesday and it's being delivered to the dealer today for me to collect on Monday. Can't wait!

I went for the DSG after testing one and being impressed. I've also driven my old mans BMW Z4 a lot which also has an auto SMG box and was impressed with that aswell.

Good luck with yours and hope you get it soon!
