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Basic RNS510 upgrade

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 2:13 pm
by Klint
Hi all

I've been reading all sorts of complicated discussions about upgrading the RNS510 satnav unit, and it seems to be a minefield full of potholes for the unwary. This is if you're trying to get one step ahead of what is available from VW it seems.
Talking to my dealer, he only seems to offer a new V7 disc at £165, with no software or firmware upgrade to go with it. Since my car is a 2009 (March) model Scirocco, then it has a v3 disc currently installed, and no means of knowing the FW or SW versions with VDCS.
It's not clear to me how the FW and SW fits together in the picture incidentally. No software on the maps disc presumably?
Can someone tell me whether I'm right in thinking that my options are:
1) Just get the new maps from VW at full price
2) Buy the same thing from ebay or somewhere for a lot less, but with no knowing whether it's a genuine disc
3) Take my life in my hands and try to upgrade the FW and SW to get 7 digit postcodes (not interested in the voice commands) and the new maps, although this may be impossible/very risky without knowing the existing FW/SW versions, and no access to VDCS.
4) Wait until next April (2013) when there's likely to be a new 7 digit postcode official version.

Help please!!



Re: Basic RNS510 upgrade

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:03 pm
by stewart
Hi Klint

I have just had my 09 scirocco RNS510 upgraded (FW) by my VW garage. They didn't want to mind so I had to argue and they did it for £20. I had already got a version 8 map disk from the internet for £25 and it now does the 7 digit post code search. I hope this helps



Re: Basic RNS510 upgrade

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 6:32 pm
by Ian_Mac

I upgraded mine to new maps, 7 digit post code etc with firmware & map discs from ebay (which I still have) everything worked perfectly with no hassle what so ever.

Re: Basic RNS510 upgrade

Posted: Tue May 01, 2012 8:01 pm
by bianco
You most likely have FW 1100 or 1200.

If You upgrade, then You get a faster interface, ability to use SD cards w. more than 2 GB, better post code search and other things.
I bought a used RNS 510 in may 2009, and I have updated it my self.

1) Find a torrent with FW 3810 as well as map version 8 West called CD_7672
2) Burn FW to a CD or DVD, burn CD_7672 to a dual layer DVD
3) Open door, inset key (do not turn key), insert FW disc, wait, click OK, wait, click OK, wait 56 minutes. FW done.

Map and MP3 is now deleted.

4) Insert map DVD and say yes to downloading map to disk. It will now download in the background, even if You turn off the car off for a while. It will take less than an hour.
(It will start thinking it is in Germany. Just give et 15-20 min. then it finds it self again)

Re: Basic RNS510 upgrade

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 6:50 am
by taff371
hi guys, im having the same problem, and im completly useless with computers, i have had a look on ebay, but not sure what cd i need, any ideas witch one it is? cheers.

Re: Basic RNS510 upgrade

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:42 pm
by lee3272
gave up with vw trying to update mine twice kept ordering wrong dvds
so did it myself First of all find a vag com open secret menu find out which firmware and map version you have
i had v7 maps installed :)
go here ... ic=23779.0" onclick=";return false;
update firmware to 2760 scarry but takes an hour
and you will have full sat nav with sd 32gb compatible and also full 7 digit postcode :)
also if you have multi wheel your voice will work now