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Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:45 pm
by danielmcinerney
i have 2009 2L tsi 56000km/35000miles
engine management light came on recently so visited garage and found the following error:
Intake Manifold Flap Position Sensor Implausible Signal
other than an increase in fuel consumption on the computer there was no other problems i noticed. then car started to misfire after accelerating hard
garage said the misfire was due to a coil and not related. they changed sensor and coil and everything went back to normal. after 5 days engine management light came back on with same sensor warning, and fuel consumption was back up. now they are saying they need to take off intake manifold to check flaps
from searching around ive found nothing about this error on sciroccos, only on some other vw's and audis. could be the same engine im not sure. the result in most of these cases was an intake manifold replacement which isnt good as im out of warranty
anyone experienced anything similar? and could it be fixed without replacing the manifold?
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:45 pm
by RW1
danielmcinerney wrote:from searching around ive found nothing about this error on sciroccos, only on some other vw's and audis. could be the same engine im not sure. the result in most of these cases was an intake manifold replacement which isnt good as im out of warranty
anyone experienced anything similar? and could it be fixed without replacing the manifold?
There's a bulletin out on it since March 2011 (Latest: 2025038/4 - 30Jan'12). They can check the flaps are OK without taking off the manifold by removing the engine cover and see if the carrier plate comes out at the left side of the manifold. If the carrier plate mount comes out the side of the intake manifold, then thats when the manifold comes off as the flaps have dropped off. Caused by riviting securing the flaps coming loose. Alternatively if the diagnostics fail to get an "Adaption OK", then its worn out.
Manifold is replaced as a whole part either way. Takes about 3 hours.
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:20 am
by danielmcinerney
There's a bulletin out on it since March 2011 (Latest: 2025038/4 - 30Jan'12)
can you point me to details of the bulletin so i can show my mechanic, cos i dont think he has a clue. i searched the number you qouted above and got nothing, or anything to do with a manifold for scirocco
Caused by riviting securing the flaps coming loose
can the riveting be fixed if that is the problem without replacing the IM? my initial thoughts were that the manifold was dirty, something that could only be checked by fully removing it i guess
They can check the flaps are OK without taking off the manifold by removing the engine cover and see if the carrier plate comes out at the left side of the manifold
also if you have detailed instruction on removing that carrier plate to check the manifold can you send me? again my mechanic hasnt a clue, and will remove the manifold completly so i can get screwed for labour costs
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:42 am
by RW1
danielmcinerney wrote:There's a bulletin out on it since March 2011 (Latest: 2025038/4 - 30Jan'12)
can you point me to details of the bulletin so i can show my mechanic, cos i dont think he has a clue. i searched the number you qouted above and got nothing, or anything to do with a manifold for scirocco
Is this a dealer in which case he needs to look at the service desk. If not, its not openly on the net (www).
Caused by riviting securing the flaps coming loose
can the riveting be fixed if that is the problem without replacing the IM? my initial thoughts were that the manifold was dirty, something that could only be checked by fully removing it i guess
Maybe, depends on the damage. Dealer won't as instruction is to replace the inlet manifold.
They can check the flaps are OK without taking off the manifold by removing the engine cover and see if the carrier plate comes out at the left side of the manifold
also if you have detailed instruction on removing that carrier plate to check the manifold can you send me? again my mechanic hasnt a clue, and will remove the manifold completly so i can get screwed for labour costs
The carrier plate is either be firmly held in
or will slide out when pulled pulled outwards by hand.
. Simple as that.
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:59 am
by danielmcinerney
can you point me to details of the bulletin so i can show my mechanic, cos i dont think he has a clue. i searched the number you qouted above and got nothing, or anything to do with a manifold for scirocco
Is this a dealer in which case he needs to look at the service desk. If not, its not openly on the net (www).
no not a dealer. the nearest dealer has a bad reputation anyway. my mechanic rang them and asked if they heard of issues but they said no. only an issue with the manifold on some audis. says a lot about them if like you say a bulletin has been released...
can the riveting be fixed if that is the problem without replacing the IM? my initial thoughts were that the manifold was dirty, something that could only be checked by fully removing it i guess
Maybe, depends on the damage. Dealer won't as instruction is to replace the inlet manifold.
Ok ill keep that in mind thanks
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:24 pm
by danielmcinerney
well my garage removed the manifold, and yes they insisted it had to be fully removed to see the flaps...
they didnt see any issues with the flaps. nor did they see any rivets in the manifold. they said it was all one piece. only thing they did notice was a slight stiffness in the flaps opening, which they thought might be normal anyway. also there was a substantial carbon buildup which they cleaned out. but sensor warning came back on pretty much straight away. dealer was also contacted, and as expected they just said replace the manifold.
im wondering could this be that the replacement sensor is faulty? sound unlikely i know, but as i said there is no performance issues, only a slight increase in fuel consumption on the computer. this returned to normal when sensor was replaced and and was ok for about a week when sensor warning came back on
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:55 pm
by Simes996
Got this on Friday 31 Aug, 10 days before the warranty expired!!
Engine light came on less than 2 miles after picking up the car from 1st MoT & brake fluid change, so I turned round and took it straight back! After they plugged it in to the diagnostic machine, the "Service Assistant" said "something has fried itself in the intake". WTF! says I. Best you fix it then.
Anyway, got the call today that the car was ready, and being of a mechanical inquiring-type, I asked what the fault code was and what they had done. The "Service Assistant" started reading the worksheet out to me!! New inlet manifold & injector seals. Eventually, I got through to him that I would like to know the code spat out by the diagnostics - "it should be on the worksheet somewhere", I said. He wandered off and came back with P2015.
RossTech wiki = 18447/P2015/008213 - Intake Manifold Flap Position Sensor (Bank 1): Implausible Signal
and here I am. A common fault, it would seem. Would have cost me 277 + VAT for the manifold, 5 each for the 4 injector seals and 4 hours labour. Ouch!
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:27 pm
by SC60_CCO
I'm pretty sure this is the problem I've now got.
I'd just filled up so I was convinced it was tesco fuel but the diagnostics apparently point to an 'intake manifold fault' the car is dead lumpy on cold start up and the fuel consumption is all over the place with flat spots every now and then. I've booked it into the dealers to be sorted but have to wait three weeks for the next 'appointment' with the technicians!
Potential warranty time bomb, 2.0 TSi engine.
Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:43 pm
by SC60_CCO
Right I think I've finally got to the bottom of my random problem that I originally blamed on Tesco fuel. (Sorry Tescos!)
The service guy at the dealer told me that VAGCOM had pointed out an 'intake manifold fault',tried to blame it on my Neuspeed P-flo, yeah right, and sent me on my way. Anyway the car is now booked in with the technician (in three weeks, cheers) and some basic research indicates that this looks like a common occurrence with the 2.0TSI engine and has been popping up all over the VAG range, particularly on 2009/2010 cars it would seem. ... 37#p106837" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; ... ning/page3" onclick=";return false;
Basic symptoms are really lumpy, rough idle at cold start up, flat spotting, horrendous fuel consumption and a check engine light.
Far be it from me to start scaremongering but this could be a very expensive repair if it occurs outside of warranty as it generally requires a new intake manifold. Or worst case scenario, the flapper in the intake manifold snaps off and is sucked into the engine, ouch!
Re: Potential warranty time bomb, 2.0 TSi engine.
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:50 am
by ViperGreen1
I had this. Luckily it was inside warranty...
Re: Potential warranty time bomb, 2.0 TSi engine.
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 6:22 pm
by SC60_CCO
How long ago was this? Was it an easy enough fix and did they give you any advice on how to prevent it or anything? Mines still not sorted, booked in for Monday though meanwhile its costing a fortune in fuel :/
Re: Potential warranty time bomb, 2.0 TSi engine.
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:48 pm
by Simes996
ViperGreen1 wrote:I had this. Luckily it was inside warranty...
I had this, too. Luckily it was inside warranty...Unfortunately the muppets didn't refit the intake hose clips correctly, and I had to call VW Assist when it all came unglued, threw a boost leak and code on the A9 in Scotland!!
I now have to go and tear them a new one for shoddy work. What should I ask for in compensation?
Inlet Manifold Problem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:56 pm
by PAJ
Earlier this week I was driving along and the engine warning light came on. As the car still ran fine I immediately took it to my local main dealer. They checked the car over and diagnosed a problem with the inlet manifold (flapper valves?). They have ordered a replacement which is due to be fitted next Tuesday but advised me that the car was OK to drive locally on short journeys. Today I was doing just that and noticed that the light had just gone out. The cost for the replacement is over £450 but since I have the VW extended warranty the cost will just be the £100 excess on the policy. They also told me that because the car is only 3.5 years old and has been owned by me and serviced by them, VW would make a contribution and if I did not have the extended warranty the cost would only be £180. My question is does anyone understand the workings of this item, is it possible it has “fixed” itself? Perhaps it was just sticking and I can get away without having it changed. Alternatively for £100 perhaps I will go ahead in case it happens again. Car is a 2.0 TSI on an 09 plate with 40,600 miles on it. I will speak to the garage on Monday but just wondered if anyone had any experience. I gather from various web sources that this is a fairly common problem with 09/10 registered cars at about the 40k mileage mark.
Re: Inlet Manifold Problem
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:07 pm
by RW1
No it doesn't fix itself unfortunately. New manifold to fit.
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:04 pm
by SC60_CCO
Agreed, I'd definitely take the replacement, especially if they're offering it under those terms.
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:36 pm
by PAJ
Thanks Guys, I was 90% going down that route anyway so now 100%

Re: Intake manifold issue
Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:41 pm
by robinalex
Mines gone the same and only had the car about three weeks. 09 2.0 Tsi with £41k on the clock. Vw want £600 plus VAT to replace manifold. Luckily I got three months warranty with second hand car purchase so all being done for free, fingers crossed. Warranty company already tried getting out of it by saying exhaust system not covered but I have said inlet manifold is nothing to do with exhaust.
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:15 am
by rehmondo
Mine has gone, car: 2.0tsi Oct 2008 with 71k on the clock.
The garage have sourced the part for about £240, roughly 3-4 hours to replace it - I'm looking at £650+
I'd recommend to anyone to have this checked out under warranty as out of warranty its not an easy pill to swallow

Re: Inlet Manifold Problem
Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:58 pm
by nicka99
PAJ wrote:Earlier this week I was driving along and the engine warning light came on. As the car still ran fine I immediately took it to my local main dealer. They checked the car over and diagnosed a problem with the inlet manifold (flapper valves?). They have ordered a replacement which is due to be fitted next Tuesday but advised me that the car was OK to drive locally on short journeys. Today I was doing just that and noticed that the light had just gone out. The cost for the replacement is over £450 but since I have the VW extended warranty the cost will just be the £100 excess on the policy. They also told me that because the car is only 3.5 years old and has been owned by me and serviced by them, VW would make a contribution and if I did not have the extended warranty the cost would only be £180. My question is does anyone understand the workings of this item, is it possible it has “fixed” itself? Perhaps it was just sticking and I can get away without having it changed. Alternatively for £100 perhaps I will go ahead in case it happens again. Car is a 2.0 TSI on an 09 plate with 40,600 miles on it. I will speak to the garage on Monday but just wondered if anyone had any experience. I gather from various web sources that this is a fairly common problem with 09/10 registered cars at about the 40k mileage mark.
hi there - sorry to resurrect an old thread but can you tell me which dealership this was at where they said the cost would be only £180 without extended warranty ? my car is a 2010 2.0 TSI with 38k miles and 3 months out of warranty :-(. The engine light has come on and dealer advises it needs new manifold which would ordinarily cost £ 814- they have applied for a contribution from VW and Im waiting to hear on how much but the more ammunition I can arm myself with the higher chances of getting it done for less.
Re: Intake manifold sensor issue
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:55 pm
by Dylansrocco
Dose any one have a picture of the 1.4 tsi intake manifold flap ? And part number as I need a new one but not to Shure on where to find it