As I've had the car over a week now, thought I would report back with firstly my thoughts, and secondly a few more piccies (as I'm a pic whore

Things that have gone wrong / broken / rattles / creaks etc.
Absolutley nothing - currently (fingers crossed, touches wood) it's perfect.
Design touches that annoy / disapoint
Having the open front cubby holder and no sliding cup holder near the handbrake, smacks of penny pinching. As does the lack of rear cup holders / vents. Although all these items are easlily (relatively) added, albeit at a cost. As you know these mods already done.
Why is there only one rear light on the drivers side at the back ? Why not 2 for both passengers / symmetry ?
Metal pedals (in my opinion) should be standard on GT and higher spec models.
Folding mirrors, only controllable via the knob, not the locking / unlocking which would have been better.
Ride height too high for a car with "sporting" pretentions. Lowering springs could be on the books for the future.
Storage spaces (for nick nacks) lacking, although this could equally apply to all coupe's ? It's just that VW already have underseat storage drawers in the ranges (Polo, Passat, Golf, Jetta etc.), so why couldn't they be added to the Roc. Also, a lack of front seat storage pockets on the backs seems strange, as I guess it makes the Roc the only (or one of the only) VW models without them. I like to carry things like spare pair of glasses, bulbs, fuses, notepad, pens etc., and these all fitted nicely in the Golf seat pockets and storage bins. I know you could argue that as a coupe it shouldn't need them but as they are there on nearly every other car in the range, why not the Roc ? Even if they were a storage pack option like on the Golf and Jetta models ?
Why are only some options available to other courtries and not the UK ? Front Sensors, adaptive cruise control, adaptive lighting, KESSY, Rear view camera etc. Surely as all Roc's are made on the same production line no matter where in the world they are destined, we can all have the option of the same standard cost options ?
No rear boot handle and high boot lip. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the looks of the Rocco, just found it a little strange that VW didn't continue the boot lid downwards more towards the bumper line, to give a lower loading sill, and then they woul dhave been able to incorporate a proper VW boot handle.
I know what you are all thinking...... "If he loved the Golf so much, why didnt' he bloody well keep it!"

Well, the Golf was starting to look a little tired and dated in my eyes, but some of the design touches were really thoughtful, and I just feel the Roc could have been an ever better car (in my view of course) if some of these touches had been incorporated in the Rocco.
At the end of the day, do I regret my decision in bying the Rocco... ABSOLUTELY NO. I fricking love it, even with it's faults
Things I didn't add (at spec stage)
Sunroof - No. The loan car I had was equipped with this, and I was a little disapointed that in only tilted not slid. So for me at least, over £700 well saved.
Xenons - Not sure. Expensive at £960 list, but I've never had xenons, so what I havn't had I don't miss. The standard headlights with Flux's upgraded bulbs seem really good, so at that price, then Xenon's must be fantastic !
Leather Upholstery - Now I can say, a deffo NO ! I specced my last 2 cars with leather, and never really got much back on them at resale time, and VW's price of £1,740.00 is frankly rediculous. Yes, it looks better ans smells better. Will it wear better than cloth - doubtful, is the cloth trim crap - certainly not. It's actually one of the better cloth trims in my opinion.
19" Luguna Alloys - No, 18" fine for me. Tyres will be expensive enough to replace.
As I said, these are my opinions only, and I in no way mean to belittle anyone who has specced any of the above options. Having different views is what makes us all different and interesting
Anyway, enough chatter, a few more pics taken today in better weather.