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Re: Worrying News

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:56 pm
by Fishbones

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:12 pm
by Phil
I'd be as p***ed off as you in all honesty. As far I'd be concerned this could have been a loss of life fault, the fact it wasn't is nothing short of a miracle which shouldn't be downplayed, which giving you a courtesy car and saying sorry doesn't quite cover. I'd be telling them where to stick their apology

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:16 pm
by xjay1337
If you read what VW said, Phillip, you'd have noticed they admitted it could have been life threatening and will look after the OP.

Maybe I'm more tolerant.

Fishbones wrote:My mother died this year, I've been forced to retire from my "cool" job, my eldest daughter is suffering in various ways, same for my youngest daughter, my wife is stressed out, in constant pain due to a medical issue that can't be resolved & I have been diagnosed as terminally ill. But let's not get into my private life in a way to explain my frustration & disappointment (of life in general actually). I just want something to go right before I die. Capiche?

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:55 pm
by Phil
xjay1337 wrote:Maybe I'm more tolerant.
Er........... Don't you get angry at people who don't search the forum for answers before posting? Or is that a different xjay1337 :shrug:

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:58 pm
by xjay1337
I get annoyed by other people being too lazy to do some basic research and wanting to be spoonfed.

So far from what the OP has told us I can see nothing wrong at all with anything VW have done.

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:08 pm
by Phil
xjay1337 wrote:I get annoyed by other people being too lazy to do some basic research and wanting to be spoonfed.

So far from what the OP has told us I can see nothing wrong at all with anything VW have done.
The chap who had his front wing dented and the leather on his seats ripped on his 3 month old roc during was also told he'd be looked and take it back in for repair. He told them that it was no longer the brand new car he purchased as it was spoiled. He was given a full refund and money towards a new VW.

He was looked after by VW - this is pretty basic service in comparison considering the seriousness of the fault.....

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:57 pm
by xjay1337
Good for him.

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:00 pm
by rpsmith79
Phil wrote:
xjay1337 wrote:I get annoyed by other people being too lazy to do some basic research and wanting to be spoonfed.

So far from what the OP has told us I can see nothing wrong at all with anything VW have done.
The chap who had his front wing dented and the leather on his seats ripped on his 3 month old roc during was also told he'd be looked and take it back in for repair. He told them that it was no longer the brand new car he purchased as it was spoiled. He was given a full refund and money towards a new VW.

He was looked after by VW - this is pretty basic service in comparison considering the seriousness of the fault.....
I think that chap should have picked his dummy and and got back into his pram, talk about over reaction :cry: :fall:

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:35 pm
by deano_123
Phil wrote:I'd be as p***ed off as you in all honesty. As far I'd be concerned this could have been a loss of life fault, the fact it wasn't is nothing short of a miracle which shouldn't be downplayed, which giving you a courtesy car and saying sorry doesn't quite cover. I'd be telling them where to stick their apology
A bit over the top really. I just squeezed into the lift earlier as it was closing, could have lost a leg there, perhaps I'll make a claim against the building operator.

Shit happens, they're rectifying the issue. If its that much of an issue, use the 30 day cooling off period and hand the car back

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:11 pm
by Fishbones

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:37 pm
by xjay1337
Fishbones wrote:I think you'll find that other people are making it more of an issue than I currently am. Yes, it's a major fault - one no-one has encountered before, it's being put right, no problem. All these "chill out" remarks are all well & good but if this had happened to anyone else I do wonder how calm they'd be, especially if it happened in normal driving circumstances. Lucky for me it didn't but the feedback I get from VW is that they're taking this VERY seriously. I also am a little amused how the advice of "give it time" and "wait & see" has been forwarded. Yes, of course I am but terminal illness has no time table and I just want something to go right this year in enough time for me to be able to enjoy it.

If it happened to me I would be exactly as I am telling you.

It's being fixed. You are making a big issue of this and constantly referring to your terminal illness doesn't really do anything.
I am sympathetic to you, genuinely so, but I don't think 2 weeks without your Scirocco is a big issue in the grand scheme of things.

There are things far more important than material things (cars etc).

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:51 pm
by Fishbones

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:13 pm
by a4gee
Why haven`t you taken VW courtesy car?

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:18 pm
by Fishbones

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:33 pm
by xjay1337
Fishbones wrote:It shows how other people perceive things that don't impact on them with little or no understanding of the life changing implications of such things. The stress caused by this could, effectively, end my driving capabilities. Possibly without the car for a month. If it happened to you in the state of health I am in then you would react exactly like me. I don't need telling there are more important things than material things - try living not knowing for sure that you'll wake up in the morning before you spout "no big deal". How little of the big picture you see,
If every day could be my last I wouldn't be worrying about my car that's for sure.
If my conditioned was worsened with stress I would avoid stress.
You seem to be causing yourself stress with this whole debacle.

You aren't without >A< car for a month. You're without your Scirocco.
Whether you have an Audi A3 (the courtesy car) or a Scirocco I see no reason why you should be actively stressing over the issue and don't see how your car being in repaired for a few weeks can be life changing.

I'm not the most empathetic person but I really don't see the big deal. Stop stressing out over nothing.

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:47 pm
by a4gee
Tend to agree as you have wheels and that is the main thing.
It would be a different kettle if they told you different. :nod:

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:48 pm
by Fishbones

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:50 pm
by xjay1337
Fishbones wrote:Again, you indicate that you don't get it. It's not being without the car per se that is life changing, it's the effect mentally that things like this have on my MS in particular. Regardless whether the steering failed in my drive or on the motorway *that* will (and has) had an effect for the worse. I see people keep saying "ah but it didn't happen on the motorway so don't stress" which is easy for anyone to say. Would it be so easy to dismiss the possibility of a loved one that missed the bus and had to catch the next one escaped death because the first one happened to crash? Hypothetical, yes, of course, but I'm sure it would be something they mentioned to one or two people along the way. "No big deal" they might reply but it wouldn't change your own viewpoint would it? To you it would have been a thankful lucky escape - to everyone else maybe no big deal.

"I'm not the most empathetic person" - at least you understand that.

I'm a realist.

I don't get caught up in what "could" have happened. I focus on what has happened and moving forwards.

You can either focus on the positive or the negative. I think it's pretty clear what you focus on.

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:53 pm
by Fishbones

Re: Worrying News

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 4:03 pm
by xjay1337
I think you would be a lot less stressed if you looked more on the positive side of things.