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Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:13 am
by rehmondo
I had a 3rd Gen 40GB iPod (before the colour screens came out), that didn't even get recognised by the unit/cable so I ended up buying the new 16GB nano and never looked back.

They should maybe change the statement in the accessories brochure where it talks about the cable and says "compatible with all generations of iPod" - not in my case.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:21 pm
by easybreeze
I have a 16GB Ipod Touch, however I am going to get a 16GB USB stick soon... I can then just leave that in the car untill I wanna add more songs, with the Ipod I'll keep taking it out and the stereo will lose where it was!

I love RCD510... So many inputs :D
6 CD changer would have been fine, then again so would have a USB port or an Ipod input - but all of 'em :vibes:

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 12:31 pm
by morrissey
jonallen628 wrote:Don't know how big your music collection is but why not consider ditching the Ipod and try a USB Stick? A 16GB USB stick from Amazon is around £15.99 which is enough for 2300 songs / 185 Albums in Variable Bit Rate format which is the best the RCD / RNS510 can read. Larger ones are availible and don't appear to have any compatibility issues like with the Ipod. Just a thought?
Nice idea - but I am up to 130 Gb :D

Maybe a mini portable hard drive could work with the USB connector

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:23 pm
by JaseW
I tested a usb stick on the MDI today and it worked perfectly, so it's deffo something Ipod related..

I'd like to stick to an ipod though, as it's easier to sync via my iTunes library. I really don't want to start manually setting up folders structures on a USB stick

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:36 pm
by easybreeze
JaseW wrote:I tested a usb stick on the MDI today and it worked perfectly, so it's deffo something Ipod related..

I'd like to stick to an ipod though, as it's easier to sync via my iTunes library. I really don't want to start manually setting up folders structures on a USB stick
Just for your information, If you add the music in to Media player you can check an option which will organise your folder structure - really smart feature! I'm sure in Media Player you can also sync all the music to any USB device - I would have thought iTunes would too :?

Anyways... Carry on :D

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:41 pm
by albertz33
Yeah, i dont like the menu structure in itunes, as when you go to artist, it seperates them out if they were done 'featuring' somone else, even if all the tracks are on the same album. Can be a bit of a f*ck on to try and navigate the menu when your driving.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:57 pm
by jonallen628
morrissey wrote:
Nice idea - but I am up to 130 Gb :D

Maybe a mini portable hard drive could work with the USB connector
It the 130 Gb variable bit rate files?

A USB key Doesn't suit everyones music collection obviously. I started off with a 160 GB Western digital passport which cost only £40 and fits perfectly in the cubby hole in the armrest connected up via USB.

A couple of points on this if you are considering it:

- In the really cold weather we have had, it did have a few problems operating. Probably due to the moving parts.
- Takes slightly longer than a USB key to be recognised & read by the head unit, probably around 45 seconds which is not really a problem. Again this is due to the moving parts in the hard drive, USB keys are solid state.
- Each time you turn on the car it defaults back to the top of the folder structure and will play the first album on your drive in alphabetical order.

The points above were a little frustrating but if you have a massive music collection then it is a good solution especially when compared price wise to a similar sized MP3 player.

Next time my music collection expands i will probably upgrade to a 32 GB or 64 GB USB key as these are getting cheaper and cheaper each month. Maybe a good subject for a group buy?

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:11 pm
by morrissey
I'm using Apple lossless for better sound quality, plus I have 1000 + CDs on there.
Mainly it works, but the lack of charging is a pain, as I used to just leave the ipod in my audi and never worry about taking it out to charge.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:35 pm
by jonallen628
morrissey wrote:I'm using Apple lossless for better sound quality, plus I have 1000 + CDs on there.
Mainly it works, but the lack of charging is a pain, as I used to just leave the ipod in my audi and never worry about taking it out to charge.
That's interesting to hear as neither the RCD / RNS 510 play lossless files from a USB device as the headunit must have to convert the data files on the USB device into music using onboard codecs in the headunit of which only a few formats are recognised.

Therefore by connecting an Ipod this must be doing all the work and sending an audio signal to the headunit which it relayed through the speaker system effectively giving you lossless quality through the head unit. For ultimate sound quality then (as good as you are ever going to get in a car given the acoustics) a large Ipod would be the way to go.

For me though i am willing to trade off a little in sound quality for gains in mobility as my music can be played on my PS3 / PC and in the car which suits me.

It's good to hear some more detailed info on peoples experiences as the dealers are clueless and the manual doesn't exactly help.

P.S Please correct any of the technically inacurate bits as i am by no means an expert. Don't wish to upset any technical gurus or Audiophiles like my old man.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:52 pm
by morrissey
Lossless may be a bit overkill for the car but I'm syncing my ipod with my Mac, and I use the Mac through a hi fi DAC into my main hi fi system, so I only want to maintain one itunes.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:36 pm
by chr15
easybreeze wrote:I have a 16GB Ipod Touch, however I am going to get a 16GB USB stick soon... I can then just leave that in the car untill I wanna add more songs, with the Ipod I'll keep taking it out and the stereo will lose where it was!

I love RCD510... So many inputs :D
6 CD changer would have been fine, then again so would have a USB port or an Ipod input - but all of 'em :vibes:
I thought this the other day but then after I plugged it back in it started playing from where I had stopped it to take it out.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:08 pm
by jntaras
Is the ipod charging via the media in???

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:58 am
by mark_mcd
rehmondo wrote:I had a 3rd Gen 40GB iPod (before the colour screens came out), that didn't even get recognised by the unit/cable so I ended up buying the new 16GB nano and never looked back.

They should maybe change the statement in the accessories brochure where it talks about the cable and says "compatible with all generations of iPod" - not in my case.
I believe the reason for this is that the older generation ipods (1-3) used a firewire interface instead of USB. As such even though the connector is the same with the 3g ipod as the later models it was still using a firewire interface. The first and second generation models use simply a standard firewire cable as far as I can remember so would not even be able to physically connect.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:39 pm
by Counterfitpig
Hi, reading this poste I think a query I had regarding an iPod Touch may be better off here!! Any help would be appreciated!

Have any of you managed to connect a 1st Gen iPod Touch (16Gb) to their Scirocco? Only got the car last Thursday and I have managed to connect my 3G iPhone and a old iPod Nano but I'm having no joy with the iPod Touch.


Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:17 pm
by Digiman
Hi, I tried my 1st Gen 16GB and it works OK.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:09 am
by Counterfitpig
Odd! I have tried a number of times with mine with no luck, as I said I have got my iPhone and iPod Nano to work with it no problem.

Might reset my iPod Touch to Factory settings and see if that solves the problem. Good to know that someone has got theirs to work though.


Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:24 pm
by Jacktherat

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:18 pm
by Digiman
Counterfitpig wrote:Odd! I have tried a number of times with mine with no luck, as I said I have got my iPhone and iPod Nano to work with it no problem.

Might reset my iPod Touch to Factory settings and see if that solves the problem. Good to know that someone has got theirs to work though.

The only thing is I have my iPod touch Jailbroken and the software on it is still version 1.1.2 I normally leave an old Mono 20GB 4th Gen iPod connected in the car and it charges up fine. This sometimes gives an sort of disconnected error when I step back several tracks.

Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:06 pm
by Garyfinch
Just a follow on from those of you who have ditched the iPOD and gone down the Flash Drive route. I have the 3d/4th gen ipod (cant remember which, its the one that has colour screen but before the video capability) and it wont work because as yet I dont have the right cable.

Ive trialled a small flashdrive (256k) and it all seems to work well, but before i get the full 16GB jobby (which will hold my full itunes contents) I wonder if anyone has any ideas/solutions about how I get around the very slow fast-forward facility via the touch screen. My problem is I have software that captures podcasts and internet radio shows, then transfers them to itunes, I synch with ipod then until now have played back via the iTrip gizmo.

To cut a long story short, is there any way of being able to quickly scroll to different parts of a "track" thats actually up to 100mb and perhaps 1-2 hours long via the touchscreen?


Re: Ipod Issues

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:34 am
by roccott600
i have recently got an ipod nano, not the newest on with the camera, but the on before, is that 4th gen?? anyways, my ipod issue is that the rcd510 sometimes doesnt change the song title when a new song starts when on mix. ie. playing aerosmith, screen says aerosmith, that finishes, coldplay starts and screen still displays aerosmith. i,ve tried going back to selections or even device menu and back, and it still says aerosmith. only way to get rid of it is to skip songs..
thats the only prob i have so far.
Love the rocco, best car ever!!!!!

Anyone else had this problem, or know of a fix?