Following on from squareyes post I too had spent months test driving everything else I thought ticked the boxes prior to the three month wait on my VW dealer receiving their demonstrator.
In no particular order the boxes were;
4 Seat minimum - I only have someone in the back a couple of time a year but there is the odd occassion I need to pick up two clients from the station.
Build quality
Something she could drive every day
Something I could spank the monkeys off
Comfortable especially on long journeys (London to Aberdeen twice a year)
Something that would make me smile every time I drove it
Probably most of all I wanted something different
A3 - Really good car but agree the stlying was a bit overboard and at around 6'2" I felt very cramped. Strange but the real show stopper was that I couldn't have a cup holder as this is now not an option!!!
TT - Ran very close and it is a truly excellent machine - Audi dealerships put me off as did the hairdresser appeal
BMW 125 - Loved driving the car but again have to agree that the styling is a bit marmite and I knew that I would wake up one morning and think what have I done. Also BMW 1 series and cockometer....!!!
Mercedes CC230 - Take my advice don't even waste your time. Boring boring piece of tat being sold by anally retentive morons
Mazda 3 MPS - Go on I dare you - take one out for a test drive!! Absolutley effing mental car but has enough torque steer to do it's own donughts, very very quick but no style and after 3 years of VW ownership the drop in build was noticible.
Alfa GT - Beautiful car and its an Alfa - took the 2 litre turbo out for the day and it is a fantastic car but I thought I would rather spend the instant 10k depreciation on wine and women.
Civic Type R - Great drive but Hondas are for car d!cks or old men and I would have gotten fed up with the sea of cheap plastic that represents the dashboard very quickly
Seat Cupra - One of my mates has one and although when his 3 years had elapsed and half of the interior trim was in a bag in the boot I still really liked it. Loved the styling but no jes ne ce qua and when push comes to shove it is the poor mans VW
Astra VRX - Terrible build qaulity on the demonstrator I took out but does look the part. However to me its a bit like an ars#hole - every streets got one!!
Focus ST - Brilliant car and goes like the preverbial but after my Ford history (explosions, broken gear boxes, non starteres etc etc) I just couldn't go there
Golf GTI - Excellent car what else can I say
Scirocco - Ticks every box for me.
Having driven all of the above prior to the Roc, I had narrowed it down to the BMW and the Alfa GT and had even taken the missus back so she could test drive them. When we went for our much awaited test drive she had fallen in love with the Roc even before I had parked in the forecourt.
The rest they say is history - absolutley lovinng it.
Roc On