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Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:28 am
by Spiney
I asked about this before my old Passat went to the knackers yard on scrappage. VW did not mind, within reason what was taken off the car. But it was kind of made clear that I should at least be able to drive it to the dealers. In the end I took the warning triangle out and mats out! Just could not think of a home for anything else!

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:40 am
by wigit
surely the way around this with the dealer, yes the dealer has ordered the car so its on the manufacture system and it maight take longer, however surely a savvy dealer could in theory cancel/reorder by a paperwork trail and heh presto by some strange coincidence will have a car that matches your exact spec that will be available in time....

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 8:55 am
by trix
wigit wrote:surely the way around this with the dealer, yes the dealer has ordered the car so its on the manufacture system and it maight take longer, however surely a savvy dealer could in theory cancel/reorder by a paperwork trail and heh presto by some strange coincidence will have a car that matches your exact spec that will be available in time....
thats exactly what my dealer is currently planning on doing wigit but its not really the 'correct' way of doing it, ho hum.

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:04 am
by Spiney
Just found this snippet on the BBC news website:

The SMMT also warned that the money for the scrappage scheme could run out in the next few months. "We are expecting end of October, early November, the full amount of funding will run out," Nikki Rooke of the SMMT told the BBC.

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:31 pm
by trix
trix wrote:i'll email the dealer tomorrow & ask if i'm able to remove 'components' from it... :D
right have just had a response back from my dealer who says that the vehicle must be 'generally intact' ie you can take spare wheel, tools, radio head unit.

might be interesting to know what other dealers say on it?

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:45 pm
by ZephyR
Spiney wrote:Just found this snippet on the BBC news website:

The SMMT also warned that the money for the scrappage scheme could run out in the next few months. "We are expecting end of October, early November, the full amount of funding will run out," Nikki Rooke of the SMMT told the BBC.
I presume that if you have already placed your order registering your scrap car that you still get the 2 grand even if your new car doesn't come until after the money runs out. In other words only new orders after Oct / Nov will fail to get the scrappage allowance ??

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:24 pm
by montstable
Hello again everyone.

Good news. I emailed my dealer and asked him to confirm what he said in writing and this is the response I received (I've deleted/changed names where appropriate):


Hi Montstable,

you will still pay the price on the receipt, we will either change the figures to show £2000 discount or we will un order then re order the same car (called de-tagging) so that the date moves.

Please do not worry about this at all. I will get your car here ASAP, so all you have to do is look forward to picking it up.

Hope this helps

Kind regards

Hi *******,

I hope you are well. With regards our telephone conversation on the 28th July, would it be possible for you to confirm that I will still recieve the Scirocco at the price stated on the reciept.

As discussed, you stated that this price would be met even if the car is delivered after the four month period required by the scrappage scheme.

I am under the understanding that should the car be delivered after this date, Volkswagen will give me £2000 for part exchanging my existing car (N*** ***) outside of the scrappage scheme.

Best Regards,


I'm putting this email up here so that anyone else with the same situation can ask this of your dealer. If they refuse you can say other dealers are honouring it.

Hope this helps everyone,


Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:51 am
by trix
Thats great! Thank you Monstable I think thats extremely helpful for all of us in the same boat.


Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:57 am
by regandjuk
Cheers Monstable

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:18 am
by jc74
trix wrote: right have just had a response back from my dealer who says that the vehicle must be 'generally intact' ie you can take spare wheel, tools, radio head unit.

might be interesting to know what other dealers say on it?
Thanks for that. I think that's what the VW dealer told my dad too. Now he's asking me if I think anyone would be interested in his ten year old CD changer :faint:

Wonder how much a spare wheel would fetch these days? :shrug:

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:24 am
by trix
way back when we were discussing this before, i emailed the scrappage team (on the 21st July) asking the questions i wanted answering & i only rang them because i did not get a response in a week which i consider to be an 'ok i'm not going to get a response then' kind of timescale. well guess what........

they emailed back, yesteday!!!! yes it took them a whole month & couldn't even answer the question all they said was i should order a car with a lead time of less than 4 months. its laughable that it took them a month to say that & it was even a standard faq type email! they blatantly hadn't read my email!


Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:43 pm
by Kev
Looks like the scrappage scheme is going to be extended. So anyone who might have been tight for the deadline with the money running out might be in for some good news :)

Re: Scrappage Scheme

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:34 pm
by Spiney
It's just been announced that the government will be extending the scrappage scheme :clap: