basically, my car was showing lower coolant that normal so mixed the usual VW stuff and off i went, in a lapse of mind, i now have a coolant tank that is probably well above normal, in fact its 3/4 full at cold.
am i going to be alright with that or any suggestions how to get it out easily?
Depending how "full" it is, you may find some coolant will be expelled as expansion takes place when the engine is hot.
At the normal mark, the 1.4's level rises about a 1cm in the header tank. As it is narrower up the top towards the cap, this level rise will be amplified. At 3/4 full I'd expect the expansion rise to be 2cm - 3cm based on it's half the diameter of the half full mark (normal level).
Just syphon some out down to the normal mark. Be carefull as there are two metal probes inside which as used to sense the coolant level. They're pointing into the centre of the header tank so could snag a tube if not careful.
ETA: I'd also look around for a minor weep while the engine is fully warmed up as the system shouldn't really be loosing coolant.
Week 43 Build has happened on time! 22 Oct'09 Scirocco is at Check Point 5 in the factory
23 Oct'09 Now Complete on the dockside, 24 Oct'09 Sailed from Portugal, 27 Oct'09 In the UK,
29 Oct'09 at dealersDriving 4th Nov. Sorted!