Just thought i would post a quick update after seeing some family & friends today.
I am getting worried because everyone who has seen it so seems to want one, trying to convince / steer a couple of them towards alternative VW's in the range, EOS / Golf instead as i like the exclusivity.
My brother drives a Cooper S, the brother in law has a new S3 and my old man has an M5 and a 911 S (997), we are all into our cars so i was interested to see what they thought.
My brother loved it, very enquisitive and is now going to have a very close look at an ................................... Eos 2.0 T DSG (Phew). Liked the Touchscreen / MDI / Dynaudio setup as he is into his music, i currently have a Western Digital Passport hooked up to it. He also really liked the Truffle. He feels really short changed by his £21,000 mini.
The brother in law thought it looked great both outside and inside and thought the interior felt more upmarket than his S3

Thought it looked very agressive on the outside.
Overall though i think my old man has been most impressed, especially by the DSG which i know is not restricted to the Scirocco. He loves his M5 but really can't get on with the 7 speed SMG box which he has been really dissapointed by, having driven it i can confirm that the DSG is light years ahead of the BMW box, it's a real pig and everything i hate about automatic gearboxes. He also likes the rear end and the shape of the wheel arches, reminded him of his 911. Agrees that ideally it could be a little lower, he has a history of lowering his cars and putting bigger wheels on.
I think this car has really opened his eyes as he has always been a BMW man. My mom said the interior made her 1 Series look boring & old fashioned in comparison, sorry dad

Think she might be getting a new Golf with Truffle interior in the next few months.
So far i love everything about it, seems to be very solid and well put together. Can't wait until i can open it up a bit although i have to say with very little throttle input it goes really well anyway.
The missus is dying to get her hands on it, maybe not just yet!
More updates to come!