Not much leather in the leather seats!

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Not much leather in the leather seats!

Post by noj66 »

The other day i noticed the 'leather' were the handle is to tilt the seatback is in fact vinyl.The edge has come adrift and i keep having to poke it back under the handle.I knew the seat sides where cloth,which is bad enough but it smacks of over-enthuisiastic cost-cutting :grumpy:
I wonder if they have a guy spraying leather aroma in the cars before they are shipped?
Great motor though,so much so i'm struggling to think what i'll replace it with.Current amongst my 'credit crunch' bargains has to be a latest shape M5 for 25k,i'd love to own a 500bhp beastie!The reported 10mpg soon brings me down to earth with a bump though! :)
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