Hi roc82 and sorry for delay on my answer.. Old airbag doesnt fit. You have to buy mk7 one..
Did i nice thing to rocco today. I figured that the blue stitching on my steering wheel needs something with it, so i bought R needles and leds to my cluster.. Small diy again, but i you can ask me if you need help.
Okay so first thing i did was took the - cable off the battery.
Then theres a little plastic cover underneath the cluster which comes off by simply pulling it down. It helps if you fully extend and lower your steering wheel. Now you see two torx screws, they are the only thing holding cluster in place. Take them off and you can pull the cluster off. Now remove the connector on back, it was pretty tight but easy still.
So thats the "easy part" of this
Cluster looked like this:
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Jimi Jokela, on Flickr
Taking the front plastic is pretty much self-explanatory, two little torx srews and then clips you have to pull. It's easier if you have someone with you. Now you have to take the needles off. They can be pain in the ass, but really it was easier than i thought. I grapped them with thumb and index finger, slightly wiggled and pulled them off, some people say that you have to mark where they were but everything is just basicly pointing to 0 so just put them in the same position and you'll be golden.
Now it should look like this.
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Jimi Jokela, on Flickr
Now you need to take "backgrounds" (dont know the correct word) off. Rev part comes off when you turn it counterclockwise and speedo clockwise. Temperature / fuel just simply lift the top and pull. Everything is _really_ easy and you know exactly what you need to do when you see it yourself.
I dont have photo off this part but now there is white plastic which has three pins, one on the left on, center and one on right. Still, really easy. You can pull them with small screwdriver and simply pull the part off. Now it should look like this.
The ones with red circles are for the needles. I used SMD LED PLCC-2 3528 leds. They are perfect for this (atleast on my mind, just the right brightness). The black circles are for background lights, mines were already white so i didnt change them.
22887409233_25d6047c2f_o by
Jimi Jokela, on Flickr
I'm not going to go any deeper with soldering.. If you dont know how to do it, make someone else do the job. There is quite much space so it's really not that hard.
Now time for test!!
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Jimi Jokela, on Flickr
Everything worked so i was pretty delighted
At this point i realized that the needles i bought weren't correct so i had to "customize" the old ones.
There's paint underneath the needle so i just scraped it off with blade.. It comes off easily, only problem is taking the paint from the "inside" off that black plastic ring.
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Jimi Jokela, on Flickr
All ready.. It helps if you are doing this with white paper underneath so you'll see all the paint which is still left.
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Jimi Jokela, on Flickr
I wanted to use tape, but i was on a rush so went to supermarket on bought blue nail polish..

You can choose the shade yourself
Put littlebit nailpolish on a paper and dipped the bottom side of the needle in it. Wiped everything off from the sides and let it dry.
When dry just put everything together like you took them off, Put needles on same position they were. I used pressured air to get all the dust off.
Now just go back to your car, put the connector on, and enjoy. So pleased with mines.
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Jimi Jokela, on Flickr
Untitled by
Jimi Jokela, on Flickr
I'll take better pictures tomorrow and add them here.
The reason i wrote this on my topic and not on different thread with "full" details off this DIY is that im not pro and this was only my style off doing this. It's not my reason if you fuck your cluster up.
Oh, and i also bought facelift R bi-xenon headlights.. But thats a different story
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Jimi Jokela, on Flickr