Watch where you park your Roc in West Yorkshire especially if you have an RNS/RCD510. My car just got done in broad daylight at Birstall retail park near Leeds. If anyone has any info or has been offered an RNS with a dodgy back story by someone driving a mk1 focus in green with no rear plates let me know! Cheers.
Such a pain as they've caused more damage to my car which has annoyed me the most out of everything. Thinking of getting a unit which can be removed now.
Options: Remapped to 187hp. Dectane front blinker, piano black interior trim, Eonon head unit, front and rear camera, gloss black rear diffuser, full interior LED, full rear LED bulbs, cold start diagnostic off via ODIS, long press on keyfob to close electric mirrors. XDS on Strong. Many more mods...
Fu*king mother*uckers... Hope you get this sorted bud. I have a one with RCD510. What the hell do they think they can do with it? It's even more expensive to make it work than buying a new one. Every RCD/RNS is VIN protected. Only work on your car. Am I wrong?
Cheers mate. Well apparently there is software available which deactivates the pin on the unit and resets it. So technically I think you can use with any car. Bloody VW.
Jeez thats f*cked up! Good idea to change it to a headunit with a removeable part, the rns/rcd is too easy to remove and no protection at all. It's a shame because it's a good headunit overall.
That's awful mate, just awful. What's the world coming to when this sort of thing goes on in broad daylight.
It looks as though the interior has escaped the usual damage associated with this sort of theft? Other than the rubber seal and removal of glass I hope you get it sorted easily.
I was looking at something similar to THIS but then thought that if they want it they will get it and just cause more damage in the process
I've been looking at the lock style. The only issue is that the I've been told by the repair company that thief's will still damage the car and try to rip it off. Even with using security bolts I've been told they just end up sticking the screw driver into the screen.
I'm trying to find a decent removable double din. Only issue is that I've got the dynaudio system and have been told mixed things about aftermarket units working straight off with the amp.
After much consideration I decided to go this route to prevent it happening again
Really happy with how it's turned out though. The little b*st*rds damaged the wiring loom for the mdi so was unable to figure out which cable when into which connector on the loom.
My dynaudio amp works really well with it... It randomly started working without any coding (I was getting no sound for hours to begin with - strange). Just waiting for my Bluetooth module as I decided to rip out the rubbish bury one VW used to install.