Bit of help please

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Bit of help please

Post by Lloydy »

Hi all, just got my first rocco really happy with it but not overly impressed with the head lights, I'm not really mechanically minded haha but I have seen a few hid and xenon kits on eBay that don't look too bad I just don't understand all this canbus stuff (sorry for being abit thick).

Also my car is a 170 gt tdi, what benefits would I gain power and fuel wise if I was to have her remapped ?

Any info much appreciated

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I drive a: GT 2.0 TDI 170/184
In: Candy White
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Location: N.E.Lincs

Re: Bit of help please

Post by Shaun1982 »

I think a stage one takes it to about 208ish brake from what I've seen, you get quiet a fair bit of torque too.
I'd like a remap but can't justify the money when I hardly use my car anyway. Most people on here aren't fan of hid kits as you will find out lol. I've got some cheap eBay bulbs that are whiter but still not hid look, seems to be the trade off is the better looking bulbs the worse the output.
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