Thanks Dan
No more mods , apart from the annual fitting of my winter wheels to save my lovely 18" Thunders from the winter salt. To be honest , i'm really happy with the way it is now and apart from getting the roof painted black ( i took the wrap off after it bubbled ) there's nothing really on the horizon left to do ??.
My cleaning regime may have been covered on another thread . I'm lucky enough to finish 1/2 day on a friday , so every Friday afternoon it gets a wash -
without fail come rain or shine - This consists of a pre-rinse using my Nilfisk e130 jet wash , then a snowfoam (via a Autobrite lance & Car Chem snow foam ) , rinse again , then a 2 bucket wash using Meguires Gold class shampoo (40ml to 15l hot water) and an Autoglym sponge.
A final rinse , then i give it a squirt of Autoglym aqua wax (car still wet) before drying it off with a microfibre towel (risned in hot water , then wrung out between each panel)
Any tar , iron or tree sap is spot removed using a lump of fine Bilthamber clay kept in the warm wash bucket.
It's nothing spectacular ,and there are no magic potions or hugely expensive product involved - but by doing it regularly my GTS always looks mint . The paintwork is super smooth and really shiny. The aqua wax takes seconds to apply and beads really well. Any crap that may have built up during wet weather use mostly glides off during the first pre-rinse , and the snow foam takes care of the more stubborn stuff - so by the time i get to my 2 bucket wash - i'm essentially washing a clean car anyway. I've been doing this every week for the last 2 years, and while at first my neighbours thought i was barmy - they're used to me doing it now. If i've had one of my bikes out during the last week , i'll give them some love too .
It takes me just under 2 hours every friday - I put my ipod on with my favourite tunes and treat it as my 'wind down' time to forget the hassles of a week at work and have a great start to every week end. I go though a bottle of Meguires shampoo about once every 8 months , a bottle of aqua wax every 3-4 months , a new sponge every couple of months.