adamjwright1990 wrote:Thanks, ive been on the phone to him and he said he isnt decided if he will pay for it or get his insurance to pay for it.
I definitely want to try and get it done by an approved VW repairer which in my case is RMB auto. I read somewhere that if bodywork isn't carried out by an authorised VAG repairer the corrosion warranty is void?
Will the colour of the car (Viper Green) have an affect on that price? the bloke who gave me the estimate said it's a hard colour to match.
It's just a fart on having to sort all this out when im the victim! but nevermind.
Sorry to hear your car has been hit.
£492 sounds exspensive, if its just above number plate then a local repair should be possible and then when bumper is sprayed the colour will be painted thick over and around the repair then just flicked around the sides, then whole bumper is laquered. That way where the colour meets the wings it will still look same as no colour was actually applied there if that makes sense. Also because of the big glossy black grill you wont notice a colour issue to the bonnet as they dont marry next to each other.
I worked @ a bodyshop stripping cars for 7 years and this is exactly how we would have repaired it and it would have been 100%.
Unless bumper is in need of direct replacment, then the wings would be blended, basically sprayed 1/3 where meets bumper and rest of wing laquered.
Hope this all makes sense