Well Gents - My Car Is Finally Here!

The place to share pictures and impressions of your new arrival or just show off your motor.
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Posts: 42
Joined: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:29 pm
I drive a: GT 2.0 TSI
In: Candy White
With a: Manual box
Options: Truffle Leather - Dynaudio - DAB - Electric Mirrors - Badge Deletion - Milltek Catback Exhaust - Forge DV - Stage 1 GIAC Switchable Re-Map
Location: Inverness

Well Gents - My Car Is Finally Here!

Post by JayR »

as per title.
i have tonight waved goodbye to my 86k miles, 2 year old, (!) tt 2.0 coupe on the back of a truck destined for BCA in surrey!
In her place and sitting on my drive, i am now the proud owner of the long awaited candy white scirocco!

have only done 20 miles so far and had very little time to absorb the details of everything but i have a couple of initial impressions and comparisons, both good and bad that i thought id share.

on the positive side ill list the initial things that i like first...

1: god it looks sweet in white
2: shes a head turner alrighty! (mind am in inverness and as such there aint many if any sciroccos around - ive seen only two since it was launched on the roads up here - we tend to be a couplea months behind!)
3: love the shaping of the rear seats
4: nice gearbox
5: dynaudio is lush
6: so glad i got mine debadged
7: multimedia inputs / sockets
8: the lights come on when you unlock the car with the fob! :clap: little but i likes it!
9: DRL's are off! (as requested)
10: Ipod cable is present and correct (as requested)

the bad bits that i aint so impressed with initially are:

1: the "leather" is really bad quality. am used to audi nappa leather on my last two cars and it really is in a different league
2: the touchscreen stereo is distracting! (no radio station control from the steering wheel)
3: no metal pedals. boo. i knew they wouldnt be metal but it does effect first impressions of the cabin.
4: it aint initially that quick - the tt was remapped by star performance in kirkcaldy to 250/270. (bhp/lbs) Reckon the remap and milltek is closer than i thought it was going to be!
5: reach and rake. my seating position feels like it is an the maximum reach and rake of the steering wheel. (maybe change tomorrow once i get a chance to position myself properly)
6: rearview is bad. (so should ve got parking sensors)

both good and bad initial impressions - am sure that some of the good will become bad eventually and some of the bad become good - the above are literally my initial impressions - i never had a test drive - indeed this is only the second one ive seen up close in the flesh so i guess these are more initial impressions that most of yas!

all in all am delighted to be looking out the sitting room window at my gorgeous new scirocco dudes!

haha :clap:

roc on.



:D :D :D
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Posts: 5071
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:25 pm
I drive a: GT 2.0 TSI
In: Rising Blue
With a: DSG box
Options: Leather, cruise, parking sensors, folding mirrors, flat tyre indicator
Sadly replaced now by an F-Type.
Location: Oxford

Re: Well Gents - My Car Is Finally Here!

Post by Kev »

Well done :)
JayR wrote:2: the touchscreen stereo is distracting! (no radio station control from the steering wheel)
Put the MFD on the radio setting so it shows the channel. Then if you press the up and down options on the right of the wheel you'll get other radio stations listed. You can click ok to change station.
Posts: 42
Joined: Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:29 pm
I drive a: GT 2.0 TSI
In: Candy White
With a: Manual box
Options: Truffle Leather - Dynaudio - DAB - Electric Mirrors - Badge Deletion - Milltek Catback Exhaust - Forge DV - Stage 1 GIAC Switchable Re-Map
Location: Inverness

Re: Well Gents - My Car Is Finally Here!

Post by JayR »

good man.

Posts: 253
Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2008 10:10 pm
I drive a: GT 2.0 TSI
In: Candy White
With a: Manual box
Options: Parking Sensors
Smokers Pack
Location: Essex

Re: Well Gents - My Car Is Finally Here!

Post by easybreeze »

My bad points:
1. Driving position - The accelerator pedal... I don't like the pushing it down rather than back (audi/vw style)... it's too close and upright (puts your foot at a right angle)... and you have to move your whole foot to press the brake - no heel and toe :( and then the clutch is too far down! Also the steering wheel is slightly to the right so don't see 100% of the rev counter - not really a problem tho

2. Power - I agree about the power being down... it pulls nicely but there is no woosh higher up the rev range (would like a remap but it's a lease car) - got whiped by a Scoob WRX this morning

3. Looks - I personally don't like the backend and would love the body kit. The front does look amazing tho 8)

Other than that I'm a very happy bunny :D

I would never expect to get the perfect car for 21k... but I think if I could change one thing, it would be the back end!

Enjoy running the car in... it's a great place to be :yes:
Arrived 23rd March '09 - Lovin' it
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