No worries dude! Yeah; ... oat-light/" onclick=";return false;alanr wrote:Thanks for reply uktom
Will try the fusso.. Did You buy it from nipponshine ?

No worries dude! Yeah; ... oat-light/" onclick=";return false;alanr wrote:Thanks for reply uktom
Will try the fusso.. Did You buy it from nipponshine ?
Thanks dude! Haha yeah that's meJamesE wrote:Wheels look really good, think I've just watched your video on instagram tomhamsyo?
I'm sending my drl units back. Been in contact with the seller and informed them of the poor quality and reliability issues. They are going to give a full refund.UKtom wrote:Thanks dude! Haha yeah that's meJamesE wrote:Wheels look really good, think I've just watched your video on instagram tomhamsyo?![]()
A bit of an update and some progress made! Today I de-tango'd my standard side light/indicator units as my aftermarket DRL's have given up after a mere 2 months use. It was surprisingly easy to do - I haven't fitted them yet so pics to come, but some before and after pics below.
Both complete:
If anyone would benefit from a guide on how to do so I have plenty of pics so can easily whip one up!
I also finally got round to lacquering my winter wheels. I am so happy with the finish, they are incredibly shiny. It was quite hard to picture, but have some pics anyway:
I met up with Benny1703 at the weekend also, got some pics with my potato cam. It would be rude not to share...
Hope you like!
Would also like to see this.tommoporter47 wrote:Car is still looking mint as always. You got any in-depth photos of getting the orange filter out want to do this to mine as just ruins the look of the front of the car.
Haha! It is a showpiece but it'll be on daily! Apparantly it can withstand the engine heat... Time will tellDave7692 wrote:An alcantara engine cover? not seen that before. Is it just a showpiece?
Try a nice dark blood red mate looks smart on candy white n black seen it before on picsUKtom wrote:Haha Cheers for the commentsyeah I'm keen to put the standard wheels back on for a couple of reasons:
1) The last show I'm attending this year is the beginning of August, so no need to keep the show wheels on any longer and risk damage/kerbing.
2) You can never predict English weather!
3) They are potentially being sold next month to make way for something new next show season!
I did some edits last night of wheel colours, I personally think anthracite looks the best - just looks clean and oem+. (Less is more!) ...thoughts?
Hyper silver: