Power mirror fold using the fob ? EDIT -You need Vag Can Pro
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:15 pm
EDIT -I've left this thread as a lot of people seem to refer to it , but what you're about to read is a tale of dead ends and false promises . The Kit from Hong Kong mentioned in the text below DID NOT WORK Basically the only proven way to do this appears to require having your door modules firmware reflashed with Vag Can Pro (Not the same as Vag Com / VCDS) - UK Lee Oct 2016
Ok , 1st of all - this is for RHD cars only , and obviously you need to have the powerfold mirrors already fitted to your Rocco / Golf Mk6
Well , i've found a solution that WORKS ! - read on
This thread is just to see how many other UK members on this forum would like to have this elusive mod working on their car ?
Over the past few months I've been researching and testings lots of different so called 'methods' . I've been led up the garden path a few times , and have shelled out a few quid in order to find a solution . Google the question "can i make my mirrors fold using the remote keyfob" and there's a bunch of threads on the subject , even some you tube videos but as soon as you start trying to find out how they actually did it - the trail goes cold
. Some of the dead ends have been :
Vag Com / VCDS : This simply doesn't work , long coding / short coding / changing hex codes etc . NOTHING you can possibly do in VCDS will magically 'enable' this feature.
Hard wiring : It appears that a couple of folk have done it this way , but its a messy and technically intensive solution . Functionality is potentially limited & Hacking the wiring loom apart and using relays and extra wires & fuses etc was a non starter as far as i was concerned
Using a mirror module from a another car : The module coding isnt the solution - it's the module FIRMWARE that holds the key ! . The Rocco is built on VW's 'A Series' platform . Other vehicles on this platform include Audi A3, Audi Q3, Audi TT, VW Golf, VW Jetta, VW Eos, VW Tiguan, VW Touran, SEAT León, SEAT Toledo, SEAT Altea, Škoda Octavia . Quite a few threads are floating around various (non scirocco) forums regarding this method - following leads in this area took me by far the most time . Especially as the majority of them are in a foreign language and i've had to try and translate most of the stuff and even join foreign forums and try to communicate with members that way
. Some SEAT Leons have 'fold on fob' functionality and apparently some VW Tiguan owners have enabled the functionality on their cars by using SEAT modules , however after some serious digging - it has only been PROVEN to work on *some* LHD variants. Similarly , some German Golf owners have managed it using Skoda modules (plus a bit of extra wiring), but again - no ones managed to get it working on a RHD car. Audi modules have proven to be a complete non starter.
Purpose Built modules : my investigations into the above led me to this one. There's a Chinese seller on the Ali Express website that claims to sell a direct replacement module with the correct firmware to allow this functionality on all A Series platform VW's . I ordered & paid for one , waited 8 weeks for it to arrive . Stripped my door down to fit it and - yep , you've guessed it . It didn't work.
. Subsequent (and protracted) conversations with the manufacturer revealed that they dont have a working solution for RHD vehicles . I did manage to get my money back on this one though - eventually....
To make a long story (slightly) less long - i've ended up dealing with a company from Hong Kong . I now have a 'plug in' dongle on its way to me that has been proven to work on a number of RHD Mk6 Golfs and a RHD Scirocco . Basically , it plugs into the diagnostic port on the car and 're-flashes' the drivers door module which enables the fold on fob functionality . Theres a very minor wiring mod to the drivers door mirror - but thats it !
It should be here in a week or so
Ok , 1st of all - this is for RHD cars only , and obviously you need to have the powerfold mirrors already fitted to your Rocco / Golf Mk6
Well , i've found a solution that WORKS ! - read on

This thread is just to see how many other UK members on this forum would like to have this elusive mod working on their car ?
Over the past few months I've been researching and testings lots of different so called 'methods' . I've been led up the garden path a few times , and have shelled out a few quid in order to find a solution . Google the question "can i make my mirrors fold using the remote keyfob" and there's a bunch of threads on the subject , even some you tube videos but as soon as you start trying to find out how they actually did it - the trail goes cold

Vag Com / VCDS : This simply doesn't work , long coding / short coding / changing hex codes etc . NOTHING you can possibly do in VCDS will magically 'enable' this feature.
Hard wiring : It appears that a couple of folk have done it this way , but its a messy and technically intensive solution . Functionality is potentially limited & Hacking the wiring loom apart and using relays and extra wires & fuses etc was a non starter as far as i was concerned

Using a mirror module from a another car : The module coding isnt the solution - it's the module FIRMWARE that holds the key ! . The Rocco is built on VW's 'A Series' platform . Other vehicles on this platform include Audi A3, Audi Q3, Audi TT, VW Golf, VW Jetta, VW Eos, VW Tiguan, VW Touran, SEAT León, SEAT Toledo, SEAT Altea, Škoda Octavia . Quite a few threads are floating around various (non scirocco) forums regarding this method - following leads in this area took me by far the most time . Especially as the majority of them are in a foreign language and i've had to try and translate most of the stuff and even join foreign forums and try to communicate with members that way

Purpose Built modules : my investigations into the above led me to this one. There's a Chinese seller on the Ali Express website that claims to sell a direct replacement module with the correct firmware to allow this functionality on all A Series platform VW's . I ordered & paid for one , waited 8 weeks for it to arrive . Stripped my door down to fit it and - yep , you've guessed it . It didn't work.

To make a long story (slightly) less long - i've ended up dealing with a company from Hong Kong . I now have a 'plug in' dongle on its way to me that has been proven to work on a number of RHD Mk6 Golfs and a RHD Scirocco . Basically , it plugs into the diagnostic port on the car and 're-flashes' the drivers door module which enables the fold on fob functionality . Theres a very minor wiring mod to the drivers door mirror - but thats it !
It should be here in a week or so
