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1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:15 pm
by SciroccoSteve
Trying to decide on which engine to go for, do about a 1k per month both motorway and in town driving to get to work.
I want a balance between power and economy, my ownly fear thos is that i get the 1.4 and feel like i wished id got the more powerful 2.0.
Is the 1.4 tfsi really powerful enough for the rocco?
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:31 pm
by trix
Hey Steve
I've got the 1.4 & have to say i'm very happy, I know some of the guys with the 2.0tsi have been returning reasonable mpg, personally in the 1.4 i've had up to 45mgp out of it on a long motorway run so far & feel it has more than enough power. its definitely not sluggish!
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:09 pm
by RW1
SciroccoSteve wrote: Is the 1.4 tfsi really powerful enough for the rocco?
Yes, but it's not top dog.
It's the equivalent of the old G60, so outshines any Mk2 GTi/GTX/GTX-16v Scirocco or Corrado 8v & 16v.
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:38 pm
by richio
I test drove the 1.4 and 2.0, went for the 1.4 in the end even though my previous car was a 2.5 litre BMW.
The 1.4 has plenty of pace, although side by side you notice the power increase for the 2.0 litre, but when do you really get to use it!!
I have the odd moment when I think I should have gone for the 2.0 but not often enough to warrant it, plus I like telling people its only a 1.4.
Go for it.....if you get bored, map it to 200bhp anyway.
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:25 pm
by Deacon
I have the 1.4 and have to say that in normal day to day driving I don't feel you will see much difference to the 2.0.
As has already been suggested a REVO, Superchips, APR, etc map is also available if you feel you need a bit more 'go' for considerably less than the cost of the 2.0 compared to the 1.4. (I've just jad my 1.4 REVO'd and have to say it's superb and really does give the car a lot more go but without sacrificing economy or drivability).
However, if you do intend to go for outright performance then a 2.0 it has to be. The 1.4 seems to give a much more linear power delivery, whereas the 2.0 is a little more 'brutal' in the shove you get and that seems to be amplified, for both, with a remap. It is one of the few things that does make me wish I'd gone for the 2.0 on occassion because I do like that more 'brutal' shove - however those occassions are rare enough that it wouldn't make any sense, for me, to change.
On the occassions I have wondered if I should have gone for the 2.0 (mostly after being in wigit's car - that thing shifts, lol) I have realised that in reality for me and the type of driving I do the 1.4 is perfect and has the advantage that, what I paid for mine nearly a year ago, means that the lowering, re-map and other bits and pieces I have lined up, will still fall under the cost to buy the 1.4 new now and several thousand pounds less than the 2.0.
I also waited for the 1.4 when I could have had a 2.0 almost immediately because i really liked the idea of the twin charged engine - and still do!
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:25 pm
by SciroccoSteve
Ah cheers for the comments everyone!
I currently have an Ibiza 1.8T revo'd to about 200/210bhp so i know how transforming a remap can be for sure
With the
1.4 being supercharged aswell, does it give a quicker response when putting your foot down, as apposed to just having the turbo?
I spose the other thing i need to think about is the insurance and tax difference too, hmmm
Also, what are the main differences between the 1.4tsi and one of the GT variants? Becuase really i wanted to go for the GT but thats not available with the
1.4 is it?
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:56 pm
by richio
you can spec a
1.4 to GT spec. Think the main difference is the climate control, fog lights and rear tints......heres my the difference?
My options where. 18's wheels, sunroof, rear tints, winter pack, cruise control

Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:19 pm
by trix
as richio says the main differences are the tints, climate control, front fogs & the multifunction steering wheel/highline computer, part of the reason for me going with the 1.4 was me saying to myself "do i really need any of it?" yes they are nice additions but imo not really hugely altering & necessary
when you look at base models of other cars you sigh & think oh dear i need to add this that & the other to make it comfortable but with the roc imo you don't, the basics are plenty enough to be happy with & the optional extras are just that, optional extras not essentials like other cars
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:58 am
by littleyellowspider
1.4 Manual, with cloth upholstery, candy white, 18" alloys, 2Zone climate, MFSW, Front Fogs, Rear Tints = £21085 (aesthetically, Rear tints, 18" alloys and possibly fog lights are essential in my opinion)
2.0GT with cloth and candy white with above options as standard = £22445
The difference in fuel economy (let's use 30mpg versus 40mpg for the sake of argument) will be £500 per year more for the 2.0, based on 12k & 1.109p/ltr.
VED is £175 versus £150
Insurance is group 16 versus group 14
Depreciation is a hard call, but let's say they both hold 52% after 3 years (this is the GMFV I was quoted for mine when I had a PCP run for illustrative purposes only!)
2.0 Retains £11671.40
1.4 Retains £10223.20 (can't include options in this retained value as they're often deemed to increase desirability not value)
So, in summary, over 3 years, the 2.0 will cost you £17348.42 + Insurance
the 1.4 will cost you £15849.16 + Insurance
All in all, thats only £1500 difference. You'll be spending £500 on a Revo + £150 to get an SP1 (at minimum) - you'll then, of course, declare this to your insurance which will probably take your premium above that of the standard 2.0. And of course, VW mustn't find out because it will invalidate your warranty, so be sure to turn it off prior to a service.
Therefore, it'll be, at a guess, £600 more to own the 2.0 over 3 years than the 1.4.
Hope this helps
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:59 am
by richio
good reply littleyellow... I think the thing is that with the 1.4 you can spec it how you like, not having climate control, MFSW and fogs will save you the best part of a grand.
The other thing to consider is that the power from a 2.0 may be just too much for some drivers who are comfortable with something less.
Each to their own, but if its purley down to power then the 2.0 is the one (or R), if other factors come into play like pricing, economy (saving the planet) then I think its a tough call!
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:38 am
by littleyellowspider
Indeed. Depends if Steve wants the GT look both externally and internally.
And of course, these prices are pre-bartering and based upon a cash purchase (which I suspect isn't going to be the case). They also exclude tyres and servicing, but I doubt there's much difference between the two, is there?
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:53 am
by Tallguy
Both cars are good; I choose the 1.4 because it gives me more than enough performance for my needs with low running costs - £200 comp insurance, £150 VED and nearly 40 mpg. I had a new TT 225 back in 2002 and frankly
very seldom used it's full performance and never got more than 28 mpg out of it.
Interestingly, last March I was offered a new high spec 1.4 and a new low spec 2.0 GT at exactly the same
discounted price so purchase cost did not come into my decision.
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:25 am
by paularmour
Thanks for all the replies and info. A 1.4 for me I think.
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:27 am
by SciroccoSteve
Yeh thanks guys, ive also gone for the
1.4 160 aswell, did feel less punchy than my current remapped 1.8T ibiza but then thats to be expected.
Just awaiting confirmation of the finance now..... fingers crossed!

Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:59 am
by pat15312
i culdnt resist the oppertunity to big the 1.4tsi up
power deliver: you get torque from 1000rpm up to 3000rpm. at 3000rpm you get even more torque as the turbo kicks in. it really is a strange but incredible feeling.
consumption: i will without fail average 45mpg on a long motorway run. around town if im on a frugal run then i'll get around 35mpg but im not the most ecnomical driver lol
insurance: group 14 and appose to group 16. it is how i managed to get a roc in the first place.
tune-ability: ok admittedly your not gonna be seeing the power levels that many 2.0 get when they start spending big money (ie. well over 300bhp). that said, a quick remap takes you to aound 205 bhp. i've got a front mounted intercooler and an induction kit and i'm at 220bhp atm. exhaust with dowpipe and sports cat is being fitted on monday so hopefully that will add a few more bhp. after that there is stage 2 software from revo which they are looking to do in the coming weeks and lastly there is the turbo to uprate (new bearing and bigger propeller).
i am going for the big 250bhp, which should be enough
1.4 TSI with spec to equal standard GT spec: £21940
2.0 TSI with standard GT spec £23540
difference of around £1600 for the bigger engine basically...
1.4 tsi is a F tax band with 154g/km, 2.0 tsi is an H with 172 g/km... so not a massive difference...
anyways mate, hope you make th right choice!
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:05 am
by ZephyR
SciroccoSteve wrote:Yeh thanks guys, ive also gone for the
1.4 160 aswell, did feel less punchy than my current remapped 1.8T ibiza but then thats to be expected.
Just awaiting confirmation of the finance now..... fingers crossed!

So you didn't fancy the new Bocanegra then ?
You can always re-map your
1.4 - will probably make it feel the same then.
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:20 pm
by SciroccoSteve
Well funny you should say that becuase initially a year or so ago i was going to get a Boc, but once i had seen the released version and price they were asking for it was a no no for me.
Like you say ill probably get it revo'd after 6 months or so, been doing a bit of research and the gains look good, so it shouldnt feel like a step down power wise from the beeza!
And with the money saved ill look at getting an "R" style bumper and skirts

lovely jubbly
Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:04 pm
by raffoul232
pat15312 wrote:tune-ability: ok admittedly your not gonna be seeing the power levels that many 2.0 get when they start spending big money (ie. well over 300bhp). that said, a quick remap takes you to aound 205 bhp. i've got a front mounted intercooler and an induction kit and i'm at 220bhp atm. exhaust with dowpipe and sports cat is being fitted on monday so hopefully that will add a few more bhp. after that there is stage 2 software from revo which they are looking to do in the coming weeks and lastly there is the turbo to uprate (new bearing and bigger propeller).
i am going for the big 250bhp, which should be enough

Holly crap pat 250 for the
1.4 can it even handle so much power, watchout while driving

stay safe. That said, i was going to go for the
1.4 but once i added the mfsw, climate control, 18" rims and sunroof my dealer told me that it would cost as much as the
1.4 only 1k difference, so my dad told me to get the 2.0 since its not abig difference, and i did. Waiting to remap it to 240.
BTW by the end of the day no matter how many ps you have 122, 160, 200/210 or even the 265 one you still own a ROC ON Steve

Re: 1.4 TFSI or 2.0TSI?
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:00 pm
by SciroccoSteve
Exactly, and what a beauty it is